Chapter 21

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Once everyone had left Moira peeled back the sheets that were covering my body. My eyes widened and I blushed once I realized I didn't have any clothes on. I covered myself as Moira rolled her eyes,

"Half of your body is covered in bandages, including your 'special parts'."

I looked down and sure enough my chest was covered in bandages, and shorts were covering just enough of my lower half. I slowly removed my arms and Moira got to work. Angela and Fareeha stood there silently which kind of freaked me out. I could see their eyes scanning up and down my body, taking in as much of it as they could. Suddenly pain shot through my leg and I grit my teeth in pain. I looked down to see Moira looking back at me. She tried another spot on my stomach, and I gave her the same reaction.

"She still needs more time to recover. I'm afraid she won't be able to leave the lab just yet." Moira stated as she took off her gloves

"What!? She's been asleep for four days!" Fareeha growled

"Even with four days of rest her body needs to recover. She took in a lot of wolfsbane, along with silver. I'm actually surprised she awoke after four days. I thought it would take at least another week before she woke up." Moira placed the gloves in the trash before Angela walked up to me

"Then my staff should be able to heal her." She stated as she pointed her staff at me

In less than a second Moira had grabbed her staff and lowered it.

"Forgive me for such harsh actions, but if you do that it may hurt her more. Yes your staff can heal everything, but if you rush this it could go the other way. As much as I hate to say it, her body needs to heal naturally."

"Fine." Angela growled, "I'll assign Yuna and Ashe to guard the door. Just in case one of our traitors escape."

"Of course." Moira nodded

"Rest well my love." Angela kissed my forehead before walking out the door with Fareeha behind her

Moira covered the blanket back over me,



"I-I k-know Angela said to never say his name again but, what will happen to Reinhardt?"

Moira sighed as she placed one of her tools down, "I'm afraid that man will never rest peacefully."

My eyes widened and Moira sat down next to me, "What did you expect? Angela would never allow him any mercy for turning you against her, and as well as almost killing you."

"B-But he didn't shoot me!"

"Angela says otherwise, and there is no chance that you will change her twisted mind."

I let out a small whimper, and in a small display of affection Moira slipped her hand into mine.

Angela POV

Fareeha followed close behind me as I walked down to the dungeon. JQ was also with us since I may need her torture techniques. I could see JQ's wicked smirk through the dungeon's dim lighting. As we walked by the cells the prisoners within them shrunk back and into the shadows trying to get as far away as possible from me.

"So how come you didn't lock up Jamison? He helped Gabriel and Reinhardt set up this whole thing." JQ growled and I saw her hand tightened on her mace

"He was forced to do it."

"So? He should've died then complied with them. He knows that you could've revived him, but he still went with it."

I stopped in my tracks as I seemed to think about it. I have strengthen my skill of reviving so I had no time limit. All I had to do was find the body and revive them. I told Jamison this of course since he was a wanted man around and out of these parts.

"That is true. Tomorrow you and I can pay him a visit JQ, but for now we have more important matters to attend to." I turned and looked into the cell where the bastard lord was kept

He had been stripped of his armor, so now he only sat there with a thin shirt and shorts. Multiple chains were wrapped around his arms, legs, and waist to make sure he couldn't move. Cuts and burns covered his body from the previous 'lessons' he's had with me. Other deeper wounds I decided to leave unbandaged since he didn't deserve it. I should let him bleed out for all I care. Maybe I should actually, my plan is to keep reviving him anyway. I shook my head as I unlocked the door before swinging it open,

"Ah the lord that turned my beloved against me. How are you holding up?" I asked with fake innocence in my voice

He only glared up at me as I rolled my eyes,

"Well I tried. Anyway we have a visitor for you. She's very good at what she does, so I decided to hand her off to you. Well that is unless she has a new victim tomorrow." I giggled

I moved out of the way and revealed JQ. He probably already saw her though since she is taller than me. JQ smiled and walked towards Reinhardt.

"So you're the old man that did all of this shit?" JQ narrowed her eyes at him and bent down so that they were eye level with each other, "I really do hate people who cause problems, and people who try to steal whats not theirs. Like you did with Y/N. You tried to steal her from us didn't ya?"

"She is not an object. She's a person with emotions and opinions." Reinhardt responded, "I did not steal her. She joined me."

"That maybe true, and if it is then she shall have her punishment once she is fully healed." I spoke up again before looking down at my nails boringly. I pushed off the wall and headed towards the door, "Well you two play nice~Have fun JQ~"

"Oh I will~" JQ responded with a dark chuckle 

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