Chapter 12

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After Katya properly bandaged my back she helped me walk to Angela's throne room. Although the silence on the way was quite awkward so I decided to struck up a conversation, 

"So are you a uh vampire?" I asked awkwardly as a smile made it's way on her face

"Indeed I am. I'm assuming you're a werewolf like Zarya."

"Yeah I was a more dominant werewolf until Angela made Moira...turn me into a more submissive werewolf, like an omega." 

Katya nodded as I continued,

"Anyway..if you don't mind me asking how did Angela get a hold of you and Zarya?"

She didn't say anything, so I assumed that she didn't want to talk about it. After a few moments of silence she finally spoke,

"Zarya and I came here for vacation to escape the politics of Russia for a little while. One night when we had returned from touring the town and was just settling in when the windows were smashed open. That's when Fareeha and the Reaper suddenly barged in with other..creatures." Katya stated with venom as I nodded, "We tried to fight them, but there were so many. We eventually got overrun and brought here to Angela's castle. That's where she made Zarya into a werewolf, and me a vampire. She found it entertaining turning two friends against each other, well, so she thought. Even though we were two different creatures that hate each other, me and Zarya still have a close bond." 

"You two really have a strong friendship don't you?" I chuckle as she nodded

It went silent again, but this time it was much less awkward than last time. A few minutes later the throne room doors were visible and yelling could be heard from inside. The guards outside blocked our path as they told us to wait. The yelling kept going on for a few minutes before it went eerily quiet. The doors slammed open as Amelie dragged Hana passed us, and Hana sent me a flirtatious smirk in my direction. I could see Katya glare at her as she helped me into the throne room. Angela sat in her throne as Fareeha could be seen trying to calm her down. Whatever her and Hana were arguing about made her real pissed of it seemed. On the other side of Angela's throne Ashe stood there on guard, a smirk on her face as I came into view. 

"Y/N meine liebe." Angela smiled as Fareeha stepped away from her

I simply nodded as Katya supported me,

"Katya? Why are you still holding her?" Fareeha asked narrowing her eyes at the vampire

"After Hana..'punished' her she didn't care to clean her wounds. I had to go in and clean them properly." Katya stated as she pulled up my shirt slightly, revealing the bandages 

Angela's eyes narrowed as her eyes saw the bandages, and I cast my gaze to the floor. I could hear heels on the floor as Katya let go of my shirt. I felt a hand under my chin, forcing me to look up to the owner of the hand. Angela's blue eyes looked into my E/C ones worriedly. I felt her hand slip under my shirt and I felt her tracing the bandages as a faint blush made its way onto my face.

"Well thank you Katya. You can leave now." Angela ordered as Katya sent her a look before leaving the room

Angela softly grabbed my hand before leading me towards the throne. Once she sat down she swiftly made me sat on her lap before I could do anything. I whimpered slightly as she made me lay my head on her chest before running her hand through my H/C hair, 

"Did you learn your lesson?~" Angela whispered in my ear as I whimpered 

I nodded as she rested her head on my shoulder,

"Use your words my little pup." Angela commanded as I started to shake


"Good." Angela giggled as she started to kiss my neck

??? POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea!? This seems more like a suicide mission!"

"That's why we attack her when she's distracted Heinrich." I glared at him as he sighed shaking his head

"That doesn't matter! She has more forces than us!"

"So?! Many great battles have been fought with lesser forces than us! Such as the wonderful tale of William Wallace!"

Heinrich physically face palmed,

"That was a movie made years ago!" He argued

"So? It is inspiring no?" 

"That's not the point Rein.." 

"We should at least do something! Y/N and F/N risked their lives to save us and this town!" I growled as my glare sharpened,"It doesn't matter anyway we'll still attack her and her forces. We'll attack her when she's distracted."

"And there's also that. How and who will distract her for us! Everyone that knows of her doesn't dare to attack her!"

"Trust me my friend. I have an ally on the inside that promised to help me."

"You trust one of her people? We don't know if they'll send us straight into the trap."

"We can only hope that they won't."

Another ??? POV

"Are you insane mate!? Goin' against Angela?!" Jamison whispered-yelled as he glared at me

"Think about it. You won't have to obey her rules, and won't have to depend on asking her for your experiments." 

"But you'll know what she'll do to us if this doesn't work. I ain't taking that kind of risk mate." Jamison shook his head as he turned away from me

"Think about it Jamison! You'll have all the access to her spell books, and you won't be tied to your deal with her! You won't be tied down anymore!"

"But the risk is too much! Even for me!" He argued as he glared at me

I growled in anger as he turned his back to me once again,

"And besides this is surprising coming from you Reaper. What if Angela found out that you were planning to betray her? What if-" I quickly cut him off as my clawed hands wrapped around his throat

My dark red eyes bore into his as my grip tightened on his throat, and I lifted him off the ground. 

"Well if you're not going to help me then I should just kill you shouldn't I? I can't have you going off and telling Angela all about this."

Jamison's eyes widened as his hands clawed at mine around his neck, "O-Okay." He wheezed out, "I-I'll help y-you." 

I let him go as he plummeted to the ground, his arms failing to break the fall. After a few moments he was able to get on his knees, 

"If Angela finds out-"

"She won't. This plan if witch proof."

"Fine." Jamison growled as he glared at me once again, "What do you need Reaper?"

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