Chapter 20

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Your POV

I woke up with a groan as I was met with pain. I slowly opened my eyes, and thankfully I woke up in a dim lit room. I tried to sit up, but a hand stopped me,

"Woah chica. You need to lay back down, let your body rest and recover." The voice sounded awfully familiar 

I followed the arm to it's owner. It was a zombie woman, she had on a short white wedding dress that seemed to be stitched together. She had black hair with white streaks on the side, and her left arm seem to be damaged. 

"Are you that Olivia chick from earlier?" I asked as I let her push me back down on the bed

"Aw~You do remember me." She smirked

"You're voice just seemed really familiar." I blushed softly as she started to run her hands through my hair

I was surprised that her nails didn't scratch me, but I did feel my leg twitch. Olivia noticed this, and started to scratch my head. I whimpered and my leg started to move like when you give a dog a belly rub.

"Look at you~You're so cute~" Olivia chuckled before she finally stopped 

I blushed once again when I felt her place a kiss on my forehead. A few seconds later the door opened revealing Brigitte,

"Hey Olivia Angela-What are you doing?" She growled storming over to Olivia 

"What?" Olivia smirked at her, "I'm not doing anything wrong."

"You're touching MY omega." Brigitte growled, and Olivia stood not backing down 

"I'm not your omega. You turned against me." I spoke, and Brigitte held a look of sadness in her eyes, "Not only that, but you betrayed your godfather as well." 

Suddenly a chuckle filled the air,

"It seems she has made up her mind." 

We all looked to the source of the voice. Zarya stood in the doorway with a smirk on her face. Brigitte growled at another alpha's presence. Zarya simply shrugged her off as she walked towards me. I leaned into her touch as she placed a hand on my cheek,

"See? She likes me so much better than you." Zarya growled turning to both girls, "Olivia you don't even stand a chance." 

"Unlike the both of you dogs I'm undead. I can be ripped apart and put back together. You two on the other hand cannot unless Angela revives you." 

"Oh yeah? Let's test that out shall we?" Brigitte snarled stepping towards Olivia 

Suddenly the door opened,

"What the hell is taken you so long!?" Ashe growled as her and Amelie walked in, "Angela wanted a report thirty minutes ago!!"

Ashe pushed the girls away from each other, and her red eyes connected with my E/C ones. Ashe smiled as she sat next to me,

"Glad to see you awake pumpkin." She stated, pressing a kiss on my forehead

"Who do you think you are kissing our omega!" Both Zarya and Brigitte growled

"Your omega?" Ashe chuckled putting her hand on my chin, making my neck visible, "I don't see any mate marks." 

Amelie smirks, Olivia busts out laughing, and the alphas stare at Ashe in anger. I shrunk down sensing the waves of anger coming from Zarya and Brigitte. I whimpered and moved my head out of Ashe's grip,

"Well I think I better go on and tell Angela that she's awake. How 'bout you girls come with me?" Ashe smirked evilly, wrapping her arm around Zarya, Brigitte, and Olivia

"No. I'll stay in case anyone tries to harm her. Who knows how many stragglers are still out there." Zarya glared at her

"Fine. But Angela will probably be here within seconds we tell her that she's awake." 


"Alright. Yuna we be standing guard at the door. Shout if ya need anything." Ashe gave us one more smile before closing the door

Zarya walked back to me and sat beside me. After a few moments of silence I spoke up,

"I-I'm sorry if I upset you alpha."

"No it's not your fault." Zarya chuckled intertwining our hands

She rubbed her thumb over my knuckles making my blush softly. Suddenly the door busted open, making me jump in alert. 

"Meine Liebe!" I heard Angela shout 

Zarya quickly stood and moved out of the way for Angela. The witch's arms wrapped around my neck as she hugged me tightly,

"I got so worried!" She held my face in her hands, and for once I saw tears on Angela's face

"Habiti." Fareeha appeared beside her, smiling in relief before placing a soft kiss on my forehead 

"What happened to Reinhardt?" I asked, and the mood immediately changed

"Why are you so worried about him?" 

"It's just-he's a friend. Can I not care for my friend?"

"The same friend that helped you escape those years ago? The same one that just attacked, and us and practically almost killed you? No. You should not care about him. All you need to know is that he is being well taken care of." Angela replied coldly, her hair covering eyes creating a dangerous atmosphere


"Habiti." Fareeha spoke coldly placing her hand on my shoulder, keeping it in a tight grip, "I would suggest never saying his name ever again." 

I gulped and shut my mouth,

"Get Moira here at once. I want her to do one more diagnostic before I unhook from the machine." 

Lena nodded and she quickly left the room. A few minutes later she can through the door, dragging the Irish doctor with her.

"There was no need to drag me Lena." Moira growled straightening out her outfit 

"Sorry doc. I wanted to get you here quickly." 

Moira rolled her eyes before walking over to me. She lifted up the sheet that was covering me until she suddenly stopped,

"I need everyone to leave."

"Why?" JQ growled

"I can't do my job properly with everyone staring at me."

It was silent until Fareeha spoke up,

"Fine, but Angela and I are staying. Everyone out." 

"What? Why!? You two get to stay in here!"

"Now." Fareeha growled pointing her rocket launcher at the others

"Fine, fine we're outta here." Olivia growled, glaring at Fareeha before her and the others left

"So dramatic." Moira muttered rolling her eyes once again 

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