Chapter 19

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Mercy POV

My anger soared passed the limits as I ran over to Y/N. She was unconscious, and I noticed two shiny bullets from the bullet wounds. I grabbed some tweezers from my satchel as Zarya started to rip apart the man that shot Y/N. I carefully pulled out one bullet, and my eyes widened once I saw it was silver, and it seemed to be covered in wolfsbane. I laid Y/N's head on my lap just as Brigitte and Olivia arrived. 

"You two take her to my lab at once. Connect her to the anti-wolfsbane tubes. I'll get there as fast as I can."

The girls nodded and Olivia helped Brigitte pick her up before rushing her back to the castle.

"It looks like we're finally alone witch." 

My gaze hardened, and I turned to the damn archer.

"Indeed we are Hanzo."

"I don't know what you did to him, but I will avenge him." He spat with venom, drawing his arrow back

I on the other hand only chuckled at his tiny threat. 

"Your brother never said you were one for jokes."

"Do not mock me." 

I only smirked at him which with one last glare he released the arrow. Although it didn't reach me as Genji jumped in front me, and reflected the arrow. 

"What!? I just killed you."

I couldn't hold in my laughter,

"Oh, Hanzo, poor Hanzo." I giggled, "This land has my magic running through it. Even if you were to kill one of minions they would be revived in a matter of minutes."


"Now you're finally getting it. You won't ever win this battle not now not ever."

Hanzo's eyes widened before loading another arrow,

"Genji. Bring him to me once you're done playing okay?"

Genji nodded as he unsheathed his sword. I walked away just as they started to fight. I was walking through the battlefield towards my castle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Symmetra appear,

"Shall we begin phase two?"

"Yes. Burn them all. Leave the traitors alive and that bastard Reinhardt." 

Symmetra nodded before she started to transform. As I walked into the castle a roar filled the air, and was quickly followed by screams of pain. I didn't care since Y/N is more important than them, and besides those traitors deserve it. I quickly entered the lab where Brigitte and Sombra were standing guard, while Moira was trying to stabilize Y/N. 

"Damn na bastard sin." She muttered under her breath as she hooked up Y/N to another anti wolfsbane tube

"Did you get the bullets out already?" 

"Almost. I removed one, but the second one is deep in her arm. I may have to damage some muscles and tissues to get to it."

"Hand me the retractors." I stated as I looked at the bullet in Y/N's leg

Moira handed me the retractors, and I quickly used them to open the wound wider. Thankfully Y/N was still unconscious, or she would be screaming in pain. 

"Forceps." I held my hand out while holding a bandage against Y/N's leg 

Once I felt the tool in my hand I removed the bandage. I handed it to Moira as she moved beside me. I carefully lowered the tweezers and opened them once I felt the bullet. I grabbed it with the tweezers before slowly pulling it out. I dropped it into a beaker, and quickly began to cauterize the wound. Once I finished that, Moira was quick to use her healing mist to allow the skin to reform. It would still leave a scar, but at least Y/N won't be dead. 

"How much of the wolfsbane have you removed?" I asked Moira as I took off my bloodied gloves

"About 30%. Whoever made these bullets packed them full of wolfsbane."

I finally noticed that the sounds of fighting had ceased. 

"Well it seems that they're all done. If Y/N's case worsens contact me. I'll be in my throne room." I stated, walking over before placing a kiss on Y/N's forehead

"Of course."

I quickly walked out of the lab, and Olivia stayed behind while Brigitte followed me. Once I finally reached my throne room, Brigitte stood to the left of me. A few minutes later the doors opened revealing the traitors. My eyes narrowed at Jamison and Gabriel as Zarya and Lena brought them forward. Genji brought a bloodied Hanzo into the throne room. The 'poor' archer couldn't even walk properly . Meanwhile Fareeha, JQ, and Jack brought Reinhardt forward in chains. He had been stripped of his armor, and a small smile made it's way on to my face as I saw blood on his face, arms, and blood stains on his dark blue under suit. He glared at me as the three made him kneel a few feet from me.

"So Jamison. Mind telling me why you dare betray me?" I moved my gaze from Reinhardt to Jamison

"I-It was R-Reaper! He came to me one day and started to explain this crazy thing of a plan! I told him it was a bad idea, and when I refused to join him he threatened to kill me!"

Reaper's dark chuckle filled the room,

"That is partially true. Didn't I promise you access to Angela's spell books, along with more knowledge? Regardless with me threatening to kill you, Angela still could've revived you. Did you not think of that before you agreed to my terms?"

Jamison's eyes widened with fear, and my anger started to boil,

"What did you just say?" I growled, my hands clutching the arms of my throne so tightly that it started to leave cracks

"In exchange for his life, your spell books, and knowledge he would help me overthrow you. He didn't even think twice before he accepted."

"T-That's not t-true!" Jamison shouted, and Zarya was quick to shut him up

"I've had enough of him. Lena take him to the dungeon. I'll deal with him later."

Lena hauled Jamison to his feet and he thrashed in her grip. The chains around him hindered his movements and Yuna helped Lena drag him out of the room. 

"Now onto you...." My gaze darkened as it landed on my once most faithful and trustful servant.

"Don't even give me a big speech Angela." Reaper growled, and his eyes flashed red before going back to normal, "I already know of my fate, and accept it. I knew it as soon as I accepted Reinhardt's offer."

I didn't say anything and looked over at Zarya. I gave her another nod, and she hoisted up Reaper before taking him to the execution room. I told Genji to take the bloodied archer to the dungeons before turning my attention to the traitorous lord,

"And last but not least." Reinhardt glared at me and I gave him a smile in return, "And now onto the damn bastard. Along with starting a rebellion, one of your men shot our queen multiple times which put her in critical condition. This is punishable by death. Do you have anything in your defense?"

"Do your worst witch. Death is honorable to us crusaders." 

"And that's why you won't get it." I giggled, "I'm going to torture you for the rest of your life, and when you're old and about to die, I'm going to return your youth and do it all over again."

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