Chapter 18

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Three days later.....

Your POV

I let out a small yawn and stretched. I had decided to take a nap, so it was now dark out. Fareeha and Angela had gone to do something, so I was left all alone in their room. I changed clothes before walking out of their bedroom. I was walking around the halls until a loud 'BOOM!' shook the castle. My eyes widened, and I placed my hand on the wall to steady myself. Suddenly a squad of guards rushed passed me, running towards the castle's front doors. Somehow they didn't notice me and I began to silently follow them. As I neared the front of the castle, sounds of swords clashing against swords, and gunfire filled the air. I carefully peeked around the corner, and I was surprised at the sight. I could recognize some of Dr. Junkenstein's creations, and some of Reinhardt's people fighting against Angela's soldiers. This could be my chance to finally escape! I quickly shifted into my second werewolf form and ran over to help some of Reinhardt's people. I bit into one of Angela's soldiers neck before snapping it altogether. I released the corpse from my jaws, and it landed in front of the scared townspeople with a 'thud!'. After staring into my E/C eyes for a few moments they slowly realized that I was on their side. They gathered their weapons before running back into the fight.

I ran after them, killing Angela's minions and soldiers along the way. The small group of townspeople eventually led me to where the heart of the battle was; in the castle's courtyard. Bodies from both sides were scattered everywhere, even though the battle had seen to just begun. I spotted Reinhardt, Reaper, and Hanzo, an archer I had read about in Angela's library, across the battlefield. I was surprised that Reaper was helping them since he did owe Angela his life.

"Rein!" I yelled over the chaos, ripping an arm off of a guard

"Ah Y/N!" He chuckled before smashing his hammer into a squad of guards, "Where is F/N!?"

"I don't know! I saw her about a week ago but-" I was interrupted by bullets going right by my face

I growled, and turned to where the bullets came from. A familiar scent hit my nose, and I saw a zombie woman standing there with a smirk.

"Come get me~" She teased before vanishing

"Don't go after her! She's a distraction!" Hanzo ordered, sniping guards left and right

"I'll go search for F/N! Just try and hold your ground until then!" I shouted before running off

I desperately searched the halls for F/N, slaughtering any guards that got in my way.

"My, my~Turning against me once again Y/N?~" I heard Angela chuckle, the echo bounced around the hallways

I stopped in my tracks as I desperately tried to sniff out her scent, but I couldn't track her anywhere!

"You won't find me Y/N~" She giggled and I growled in frustration

"Come out you bitch!" I snarled, baring my K9's to anyone who was watching

It went eerily silent after that. For once I actually started to get scared. My tail automatically started to go in between my legs, no matter how hard I tried to stop it. Suddenly I felt a weight tackle me from above, and I immediately began to fight. I threw the person against the wall, and my eyes widened once I saw it was F/N in her beast form. She had red eyes, her claws extended, and her black wings were fully extended. Angela floated down next to her, placing one of her hands against F/N's cheek,

"F/N, bring Y/N to her knees for me?~"

"As you wish mistress."

F/N rushed towards me within a blink of an eye. She tried to punch me in the face, but I quickly caught her fist with my hand,

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