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It was over. This time, there really was no escape. I knew this, and yet, I couldn't accept it.

I heard them coming, knew it was futile, but kept climbing, scrambling up the green magic, forever running.

I heard them around me, felt their heat even though they weren't yet touching me. Kept climbing.

Cold metal slid along my arm, but I pushed it away. Felt warm scales brush at my neck. Kept climbing.

They were all around me now, slithering over my body, circling around me. Why weren't they attacking? They had the power to rip away my very life, and yet they held back.

I refused to stop. They pulled me up with strength I wouldn't have believed them capable of, but I refused to let go of the stalk. They pulled harder. Several slithered between my back and my duffel bag. I felt a hiss near my ear.

My heart refused to stop beating and lungs to stop breathing. Fear squirmed in my stomach, coiled like these snakes would have been on the ground.

All I knew was that these snakes meant death. I wasn't letting go.

Steel Flight [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now