The Stranger

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Randy looked into the alleyway and saw two guys sitting on a trashcan, staring at him. One was a redhead, and the other one was a brunette. They both had glowing red eyes and a glowing red tail look. The brunette starts talking and then leaves, but the redhead stays, staring at Randy. Randy looks behind him, but he saw none behind him. 'Why is he staring at me?' Randy thought looking worried. The redhead gets up and walks right past him. Randy sighs in relief, but then he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist. "Get your damn hands off me freak!" Randy says, pushing the unknown person away. "Why?" The person says. Randy breaks into a run and doesn't look back. 'Oh my god! I almost got raped by someone!! Thank god I got away quick enough!' Randy thought as he kept running home.

"Hmm?" The redhead said, talking to Dan. "No, you know what? I bet that you can't rape that purple beauty Nomi.." Dan whispers to Nomi. "Deal." Nomi says, flickering his tongue in his mouth. "Alright.. I'll leave." Dan says, getting off the trash can and leaving. 'Let's get this over with..' Nomi says, pulling his tail away. He walks by the purple haired boy and then goes behind him, wrapping his hands around his waist. "Get your damn hands off me freak!!" The purple head says, pushing Nomi away. Nomi gets up and sees the purple haired running away. 'Oh ho! None pushes me away and gets away with it!' Nomi thinks angrily, flickering his tongue. He jumps onto the trash can and starts jumping from each trashcan, following the young boy to wherever he has to go.

*huff.. huff.. huff..* "Oh thank god I got away from him!" Randy said, panting at the exit of the alleyway. "I just... Need to sit down at the bus stop.." Randy said, moving his sweater a little. He sits down on the bus stop bench and throws his head back, looking at the stars. 'That was very weird... I almost got raped.. I need to stop hanging' out with Howard for a long time..' Randy thought to himself. He looked sideways and saw nothing coming by, not even the bus. "Great.." Randy said flatly. "Something wrong my purple beauty?" A voice said, scaring him out of his thoughts. The redhead that almost raped him! "W-What do y-you want!?!" Randy stuttered. "Oh nothing.. Just came by.. Saw you.. And I came for payback!" The redhead said, baring his fangs angrily. "No! What did I do!!!" Randy said, fighting back the man with fangs. "You don't push the leader of the Noruis Clan!" He said, biting Randy's hand. "OW! What the hell man!!" Randy said, holding his now bleeding hand. The man licks the blood from his mouth and flickers his tongue. "Hm? You like candy?" The said, wrapping his arms around Randy's waist. "Well duh! I'm 16! Of course I'm still going to like candy!" Randy said, struggling to get out of the man's grasp. "Oh? 16? I'm 17.. A whole year away from me!" He says, licking Randy's neck. 'Ew!! That flickering tongue is touching me!!' Randy thought, finally recovered energy and punched the redhead in the jaws, causing him to let go. "You give me a punch.. I give you this." He says, backing away from the boy, pulling out something from his sweater pocket. "Wait! Pause everything! Is that? CANDY!!!" Randy says, reaching out his arms, to grab the bag of candy out of the man's hands. "Ah ah ah, you need to earn it.." The redhead says. "What! That's boring!" Randy pouts angrily. "But also... My mother told me not to take candy from any candy from strangers, but since I know you, a little, I guess I could just get one? Or the whole bag!" Randy said rubbing his hands together hungrily. "Not yet. What's your name.." The redhead says, walking up to Randy and biting his ear lightly. Randy shuddered at the feel of the fangs on his ears. "R-R-Randy.. Randy Cunningham.." He says, studdering lightly. "Oh nice to meet you Cunningham.. I'm Nomi Noruis, leader of the Noruis Clan, as you know, I need a place to stay, the alleyway is getting a little too old for me." He says, moving the bag of candy in Randy's face. "Do you have any suggestions?" He hisses near Randy's ear. "U-Uh.. Y-Yeah.. M-My house.." Randy says, rubbing his neck lightly. "Hmm.. I like it." Nomi says, moving his dirty red hair outta of his eyes. "B-but you can't stay in the house! My mother and father will flip out if I bring a 17-year old home! So.. You have to sleep in the backyard..." Randy says, feeling very embarrassed about sending someone home with him, and then telling him to sleep in the backyard. "So.. Show me the way and I'll take you there.." Nomi hisses into his ear. "O-Ok.. " (O-O.. That face :3). "Alright." Nomi says, fluffing up his hair. "What's wrong?" Randy asks as he sees Nomi walking into the shadows. "Nothing, stay there." Nomi commands. To Randy, this is kinda the time to run, but something told him to stay. Randy looks around the place, but there was no sound. Then, suddenly, a beast, almost as large as a lion, but had that alleyway cat structure. The wolf snarled and picked up Randy by the hoodie. "What!! Put me down you beast!!!" Randy said, moving around, but failed horribly. "TaKe Me HoMe NoW CuNnInGhAm.." The beast spoke. "How do you know my! Never mind.." Randy says, crossing his arms angrily. As he is about to speak, the cat starts to run as he was going to speak. "What the!!" Randy says as he sees the beast has taken him home. "How do you know my path!!" Randy says, scratching the beast in the muzzle, but didn't do a single thing to the beast. "YoUr ScEnT Is VeRy StRoNgE.." The beast says. "StAy HeRe.." It snarls, it walks away into the shadows and doesn't come back. "Ok... That was weird, but how did it know my name?" Randy said to himself. "Hi." Nomi says, coming out of the shadows. "Where the hell were you! I was carried by a 6 foot alleyway cat!" Randy yelled as he blushed at what he said. "Oh so you like my protection?" Nomi taunted. "No!! I'm still angry at you for trying to rape me!!" Randy yelled, pushing Nomi again (which was a stupid idea :3). "Remember what I said about me being pushed?" Nomi says, pulling Randy down on the sidewalk. "Oh crap!! I-I'm sorry!!" Randy begged. "*sigh* Fine, you can get away with this since your providing a place for me to stay, I guess you can have this." Nomi scoffed, giving Randy the candy. "Sweet! Thanks Nomi. And.. Goodnight.." Randy says, walking away to his door. 'Hmm.. I'm attracted to him for his beauty.. Maybe tomorrow would be a little better..' Nomi thought to himself as he walked into the backyard of the Cunningham's. He found a large bush and hid in it. 'It would be all better tomorrow..'

Da first chapter!!! Yeah!! I don't own any characters besides Lily.. And also! I will explain everything on what's going on.

1. I did NOT abandon Dragon Tears or Fighters. They are still work in progress, Moor Dreamers just need more reads and then I can continue it.

2. I'm going camping in a few weeks, so I might not post anything up for a while, and I need to wait for comments on the Pikachu story, so I'm waiting for that.

3. I'm going to post another story up soon! Yayz! :3

So that's whats going on. I've been looking for the hard drive that contains Dragon Tears and I'm working on another shipping. So I hope you little kitties know what's going on so.. Bye~BlackStar

(So.. I revised this cause... why not it made me cringe really badly so I'm on a mission to fix all the grammar mistakes >:3 P.S. Go check out my tumblr thatotheradd/Elsword Junk)

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