All good things must come to an end...

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    WARNING (boo :() There will be an attempted rape in here at some point in time, but most of this is kinda fluff, so... Bye!

    It's been 3 weeks since Nomi and Randy have been camping out together, they have been traveling to the moon country. "Only one more mile until we're there! Wait, why are we going to the moon country?" Randy asks with a gullible tone. "We need to speak to StarClan silly." Nomi says, poking Randy on the tip of his nose. "Oh yeah..." He says, blushing shyly. "So what is it like there?" Randy asks, looking at Nomi with his excited gleam in his eyes. "It's a beautiful country, the grass looks like it's got stars on it, but it's just the dew drops reflecting the starlight, but I never knew I would've want to go back there after the great war." Nomi says, scratching the back of his head. He looked over at the purple teen on a strange little brick. "What's that?" Nomi says, poking it. "WHAT!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A PHONE IS?!?!?!" Randy says, looking very shocked. "Well, I don't know what a "Phone" is, but I would like to know." Nomi says, looking at the little brick thing. "This is a phone Nomi... (Good lord he doesn't know what a phone is...)." Randy says, holding up the little device. Nomi poked the screen and the little device lit up. "Whoa..." Nomi's eyes sort of sparkled as he saw all the apps. "Can I play with it?" He says, holding out his hand. "Nuh uh! It's mine! And it's losing power!" Randy says, poking Nomi's cheek.

"Hmmm.... Oh look!! Moon country!" Randy says, running into the fields. Nomi's eyes darkened as he saw the beautiful land. He could remember all the bloodshed and how young he looked when his parents were killed violently. "Come on Nomi! Forget the memories and come play with me!" Randy says, holding up a ball. Nomi looked at him, and just smiled, he ran to the purple-haired teen and lifted him up playfully. "Hey! Put me down!" Randy says, acting like a little child. He looked into Nomi's sparkling eyes, he looked like another StarClan warrior, but much warmer and stronger. "Come on Randy! Let's play ball now!" Randy says, encouraging the redhead to go full cat. "Fine fine!" Nomi says, transforming into the large cat. "Ready, and... Go!" Randy says, throwing the ball. Nomi watches the ball and runs to it as it still flies off. Randy saw how the large beast ran, the black stripes glittered in the daylight, and the red fur seemed to glow with excitement. Randy felt his heart pound a little bit when Nomi was holding him up, but he doesn't know why. 'I can't do this! Theresa is pretty too! But... Nomi's caring, he's protective... And strong, he leads a whole clan of warriors... That's it! I can't take it anymore! The truth for me has came! I'm in love with Nomi Nouris!! The strongest person I know!!' The purple haired teen yelled in his mind. He looks around to make sure the red cat isn't near. "I'm in love with you Nomi Nouris!!!" He yells to the blue sky. "I'm in love with you!!" He yells to the forest. "Is that so?" Nomi says, placing a hand on Randy's shoulder, making him jolt up. "W-W-WHAT!! Y-YOU HEARD THAT!?!?!" Randy says, his face completely red at this point in time. "You could've told me anytime, but the truth is... I read your mind..." Nomi says, patting Randy's head. "Am I really that strong?" Nomi says, looking at Randy's still red face. "...Y-Y-Yes..." Randy manages to get out. "Come on... Lets settle in." Nomi says, picking up the purple-haired teen. "WHAT! WAIT! PUT ME DOWN!!" Randy says, squirming in Nomi's grasp. "Your fine... Now calm down and sleep..." Nomi lures. The boy stops and lets the warmth of the redhead elude him, letting his dreams enter his mind.

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"This is ridiculous!!! I want that beast now!!" BitterCold roars angrily at the others. "Sir Cold, we are having a hard time tracking this beast, also, a few days ago, the new leader of the NourisClan has disappeared, but luckily, while he was in shock, we threw a tracking icicle on his ankle on him, I'm pretty sure we're going to find him really soon, as soon as we can-" "NO!!! WE'RE MOVING THIS BATTLE IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! I WILL NOT WAIT AROUND FOR THE BEAST TO SHOW IT'S FACE TO ME! I WON'T TRAVEL, BUT YOU GUYS NEED TO FOCUS ON TRAINING AND BECOMING STRONGER!!" BitterCold's fury grew massively, and he slammed his fist to the ground, making it break the ground lightly. "Y-Y-Yes sir!" The cat-man nodded quickly and ran back outside. "Where are so Nomi Nouris.... Where are you....."

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