Memories, Allies, and enemies

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It was raining that war day, the blood was absorbed by the grass and the rivers flowed red.. Everything has been destroyed and the last three of those clans stood, surrounded by three larger hybrids. "Give us the boy or die.." A male hissed. "NEVER!!" An older girl said, protecting the boy. "Then you shall die!!! BITTERCOLD ATTACK!!!" The ground shook and a large dragon-like creature broke out of the ground, shaking its large head. "KRAAAAA!!!!!" The beast roared and banged it's feet to the ground, causing an earthquake. The beast looked around and swept it's tail along the place, freezing everything it touches. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON OUR SIDE!" The girl yelled angrily. The beast looked at her with ice cold daggers, and blew out a snowstorm, causing the girl's clan to freeze. "GiVe Me ThE ChIlD!!" It spoke hoarsely. "Never!!!" The last two of the clan jumped towards the beast with their swords, and broke the gem on it's forehead, causing it to die, but they died along with them.. "MOMMY!!!! DADDY!!!!!!!" The young child screamed as he felt a pulsing energy through his body. "You... You are now the beast called...The Tengu..." A voice said in his head. The boy cried out in pain as he tried to be free, but he had given up and let the energy force drop him. He opened one eye weakly and saw a young kit with dark purple eyes, staring at him. She snarled and ran into the woods, leaving the boy there. Alone...

Nomi woke up in the closet with a jolt and ran out, causing him to tumble out. He ran over to Randy, who was sleeping like a kitten, and shook him wake. "Dude... What the hell..." Randy mumbles as he rubs his eyes, but the only reply he got was a grunt and heard Nomi get up, and crawling in bed with him."What the juice! Nomi! Dude! You can't crawl into another guys' bed and-" Randy was cut off as he felt arms wrap around his waist and pulled them closer to Nomi. Randy was about to speak, but had a mouth placed on his... 'W-W-What...' Was all Randy could think as he felt the soft lips on his. "Mmm~" Randy moans. He pushes Nomi away and looks at him with a red face. "W-W-What the hell was that!" Randy says, hiding his face from Nomi. "Sorry.. I don't know what got over me, you're the only one who cares about me.." Nomi says, turning away from Randy. "What do you mean?" Randy says into the pillow. Nomi scoffs and then speaks. "You don't know.. How it feels to be in the shadows for your life.. I was forced to leave my parents, long, long time ago.." Nomi let out a shaky sigh and continued talking. "I was forced.. To live near BloodClan's boards.. I was injured and sick... My mother and father were herb healers.. But since their death, I couldn't do anything about... I started looking for the Nouris clan.. Once I found them, they instantly made me become their leader.. And now.. My deputy, Daniel.. Was very cautions around me.. He knew my terrible secret, well, since I told him. But he was a good friend though. Now that I'm... Well, kinda 17.. I just need to get away from the work stress and chill out, but also, stay out of the daylight." Nomi froze and then looked at wall a little bit. As Randy was about to ask why he was hiding, he was met with a soothing sound of breathing. 'If Nomi had such a terrible history and he was truly a stranger to the world.. He probably chose me for a reason... But why did he try to rape me? *sighs* I'll just never understand Nomi's weird mind.. *giggles* He is really nice and kind to me... Oh god... What's this... I feel so.. Strange.. Am I gaining feelings for Nomi? No! Surely not! I'm straight! I do like that girl with purple hair (Theresa). But.. She always talks about Howard... While Nomi just has all his time with me.. Did he abandon his clan to stay with me? I just would never know..' Randy's thought's just came on and on and on, but soon, he quickly started to feel tired and fell asleep in the bed, now liking Nomi's presents with him..

"Randall!" Lily yelled for her son. "Yeah mom?" Randy says, walking down stairs. "Your father and I have been talking about something for a while, and I think it's time we tell you." Lily says, sitting her son down. "Oh god mom, if it's that puberty crap, I'm learning in school, I don't want you guys to bring THAT up!" Randy says, feeling his face grow very hot. "Uh, no son.. It's not that.. It's about.. Well, this stranger named Nomi." Lily says, sitting down on the chair in front of her son. As she brought up Nomi's name, her son's face suddenly paled quickly. "Uh.. What about Nomi?" He says, looking at his mom with serious eyes. "Well, your father was at work on time and he was talking to a girl named Angela, who seemed to know very much about Nomi.. And she said he was... 800 years old? Are you lying about this old man's age?" His mom said strictly. "N-No mom! You've got it all wrong! He's not old! He's my age! He's 16!" Randy says, getting up. "He's really nice! So what if he's that old! He's had a terrible past! He has lost his parents in the war with the damn HalosClan! Not to mention! He's been sick and injured when he was only 4!!!" Randy yells at his mom. Lily looked at her son with wide eyes, surprised in her son's change of mood. He sat down and cradled him self, sobbing softly. "Randy! Are you o-" A redhead came downstairs and stared at Lily. "Um... E-Excuse.. M-Me.. D-D-Do you k-know my s-son..." Lily said, dropping her coffee on the floor and backed away from the table. "Miss, you've got it all wrong.." The redhead said, letting his gaze drop on Randy. "N-Nomi... S-She knows..." Randy sobbed to the redhead. Lily looked at Nomi and back at her son. "Oh My God... Y-You're... Y-You're Nomi Nouris..."

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