Curiousity is what caught the clans

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The morning sun rays hit Randy's face as he tossed around in his bed, trying to avoid the light shining into his room. "Randy! Time to wake up!" Lily, his mother, yelled across the hallway. "Ngg... Five more minutes.." Randy says, pulling the pillow over his head. Suddenly, the sun was blocked out by a figure standing outside of his window. "Oh!" Randy says, seeing Nomi staving for food. "I'm coming .." Randy says, getting up from bed and going to the window, opening it. "Sorry! I forgot that you lived back there!" Randy said to Nomi. "No worry's my yariman~" Nomi says, running his finger under Randy's chin. Randy's face went completly red and he moved Nomi's finger away from him. "I-m not you damn yariman!!" Randy says, looking at the small strand Nomi has behind him. "What's that?" Randy asks. "That's a tail Cunningham, a tail." Nomi says, making it move. As it moved, it glowed red and split itself into two tails. "Whoa *blushs* that's so BRUCE!!" Randy says with sparkles in his eyes. "Yeah, It's kinda like a superpower or like a phenomenon.." Nomi just shurgges off the nagging feeling of kissing the younger teen. "Hey Nomi?" Randy says, waving a hand in Nomi's face. "What?" Nomi says, snapping back to sanity. "You ok?" Randy asks. "Yeah.. Just thinkin.. Dirty.." Nomi says, feeling his hair prick. "Oh my god you pervert!" Randy says jokenly. "Ok.." Nomi says, walking back to the bush he was currently sleeping in. "Ok! Bye~" Randy says, waving bye happily. 'Whoa.. Damn did I just wave goodbye to a pervert who almost raped me!' Randy thought hastily. "Oh my god." "RANDALL CUNNINGHAM!!" His mother yelled. "Coming!" Randy said, getting out of his bed.

"Randall, we'd like to talk about something first. Like a family." Lily said, leading her son to the tabel. "Ok.." Randy said shakily. 'Oh my god, what if she found Nomi! What if she sawthe bag of candy from-' "Son, would you mine telling up who this Nomi guy is?" Alex, Randy's father, asked politly. "Uh yeah! Um- He's Howard's new friend! He is- Um- In the same school we were in! We just never noticed him until we went to the arcade." Randy lied. "Ok. But also, we got a call from the police saying that you were out with a 6-foot mythical beast of terror and destrustion." His mother says. "Oh, that's weird? I was with Howard when I was walking home." Randy lied again. "Oh ok." His father says. "Well, I need to go to the arcade, later mom! Later Dad!" Randy says, grabbing his coat once more. "Bye son!" Both parnets say. "Should we tell him Alex?" Lily says. "No, he will find out once we speak to this Nomi.." Alex says, scratching his black hair. "No, he will find out later, we just need to locate this 'Nomi Nouris'." Lily says, moving her purple hair out of her face. "You know Randy looks a lot like you Lilian." Alex says. "Well he's as strong as you Alejandro." Lily says, hugging her husband. "Yeah Yeah, I need to go to work soon, call me if you need any help." Alex says, moving his black hair out of his face. "Alright. Bye honey!" Lily says. "Bye Lily!" Alex says, walking out of the door. "Oh my, I wonder who this Nomi is.." Lily asked herself as she sat down at the table, reading the local newspaper.

"Nomi!" Come out! Just because its daytime doesn't mean you will burn to death!" Randy says, pulling at Nomi's hoodie. "Quit it!" Nomi whined, pulling back. "Quit being a baby! Your fuckin' 17!" Randy hissed, pulling at Nomi's red hair. He finally fell back and looked in his hand. 'A pony tail??' Randy asked himself. He looked closer into the shadows. 'Oh shit!' Randy said looking at Nomi's slightly longer hair. "Whoa..." Randy zoned out. "Give that back!!" Nomi said, reaching out for Randy's hand and pulling the pony tail back. "Nomi! You didn't tell me you had to hold your hair out! Not even tell me you had girlish hair!" Randy said, joking a little. "It's not my fault my hair grew this long!" Randy said trying to feel the hair. "No! Don't touch it!" The redhead snarled and pulled his hair away from the teen's curious hands. "It- It's really dirty.." Nomi said, feeling his cheecks feel red for once in his life. "Really! I could sneak you into my house and let you take a shower!" Randy suggested happily. "Will you take it with me?" Nomi taunted dirtyily (Fuck Nomi XD). "H-H-Hell no!" Randy said, feeling his cheecks fill with blood. "Oh, ok.." Nomi said, pulling himself closer to the darkness. "Can I touch your hair? " Randy asked. "W-Why?" Nomi studdered. "Cause it looks cute~" Randy says, blushing a little. 'Goddamnit! I just called a rapist cute!! I'm so screwed up if my mom finds out about Nomi's true identity..' Randy thinks saddly. "You think I'm... Cute?" Nomi says, looking at Randy's blue eyes. "Yeah.. I'm cute.. I know.." Nomi says, shrugging off that nagging feeling to blush. "Yeah.." Randy says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh you do know I'm 800 years old, but I'm technally 17, right?" Nomi says, moving his hair out of his face. "Oh! I never knew.." Randy says, creating an akward silence for both boys. "Umm. About that shower.." Nomi says. "Oh right! Come on!" Randy says, walking into the shadows with Nomi, but was pinned down by Nomi. "You know better than to follow me into the shadows right?" Nomi says, licking Randy's neck. "R-R-R-RIght!" Randy says, shoving Nomi off. "Oh alright.. I'll come out." Nomi says, finally giving up. "Sweet! But your going to need to conceal your identitiy." Randy says, croutching like a hunting cat. 'Oh my.. Randy is such a.. Oh...' Nomi moans in his head. "I'm such a wat?" Randy says, like he was reading Nomi's mind. "Oh nothing.." Nomi says, shurgging off the blush. "Ok." Randy agrees slyly. "I'll be right back!".

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