Randy's Super Psychotic Love

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Warning: I know... Crazy stuff like last time... Sorry < >x< >... Gay stuff

Randy waits outside of the little den that he and Nomi had shared ever since they spoke with StarClan, but after what happened to Randy, not too long ago, had made him a little more frightened of Nomi a little, but also, he felt proud of being a mate of a clan leader. Randy looked over at Nomi, and saw him in his large cat form, sharpening his claws. "Hey Nomi..." Randy says, walking in slowly. "WhAt Do YoU wAnT..." The large cat hissed. "Nothing, I just wanted to see how your doing after making the deal with Ty.." Randy says, sitting in front of the cat. Nomi coughs slightly and then shakes his head. "Ahm... Sorry, my cat form could sound a bit, um... Scary, but it was just saliva." Nomi says, in more of a deepened voice than his own voice. "But, also, I don't mind, as long as you don't touch me, then yes you could stay-" "Why can't I touch you?" Randy asks out of nowhere. The cat looks at Randy and then darkens his gaze. "Oh! Sorry if the question bothered you!" Randy says, hoping Nomi wouldn't snap out. "Oh, I just don't feeling like being pet, or touched right now... I'm really bothered at how you summoned Ty..." Nomi says, hissing under his breath. "I didn't... He just appeared." Randy says, rubbing his bitten shoulder. Nomi looked at the ground for a few moments, and then got up, curling around Randy. "Wait! I thought you said-" "Forget what I said, whatever you do, do not speak to any of the dragons." Nomi says, hissing. "O-Ok..." Randy says, letting the fur ruffle around his body, making him sleepy.

'It was happening again!! This... This vision I keep having! Of me, going insane!! I'm I actually going to go insane with the insanity force!! I can't I have to- "Nomi!" Randy! He's in this vision? But why? "Nomi... I know we're going insane, but we will go like this for a reason..." Why? Why are we going to go insane? I know this is a vision, but I ask of you future Randy, why are we going insane? "You are going insane, but I won't... But because of your insanity,we'll save this world." Insanity will save us all now? But I thought fire and purple will mix and save this world! "They will, and insanity will help." Ok, but if it does, what will cause my insanity? "The kill of blood..." Wait! What? Blood! That makes like no zero sense!! "Dragon's blood Nomi..." Dragon's blood? Wait! I have so many other questions! Don't make me wake up! "You need to.. Good bye." Wait! No!!'

"Can you let go of me now... Please?" Randy says, poking the cat in the face. Nomi shoots up awake, almost making Randy somersault off of his fur. "Oh! I'm so sorry." Nomi says, turning back into a human. "That hurt man!" Randy says, getting up. "Well, I guess we should get back to HighStones... I guess we have to sleep and fight there too." Randy says, helping Nomi up. "Yes, you might be correct. "Now lets go..." Nomi says, walking out of the small den. "But we just made it out of the borders!!" Randy whines. " No, we must get there before dawn." Nomi says, continuing to walk the path to HighStones. "Ugh! Find! We'll go to HighStones..." Randy says, pulling out the traveling herbs and eating one. "Want one?" Randy says through chewing. "Well, I do need one to keep up my strength." Nomi says, eating one. "Great! Now lets talk, because I'm bored!" Randy says, jumping around like an excited kit. "Fine... So, what do you plan on using your nine lives on?" Nomi says, being the first one to ask a question. "Well, I would use them for good of course! Like fighting off the evil doers!" Randy says, punching the air as if it were an evil doer. "Ha... Well I'd use them for protecting my clan members and protecting my land." Nomi says, flicking his tail slightly. "Cool." Randy says, putting his hand on the back of his neck, as if he were relaxing. "You seem to be enjoying yourself." Nomi says, looking at Randy's chill expression. "Well yeah, after I let yesterday go away, then yes I am." Randy says, ruffling Nomi's fiery red hair. "No!" Nomi says, swatting Randy's hand away. "I'm more concerned about what Ty had said." Nomi says, stiffing his shoulders. "I know you're gonna win." Randy says excitedly. "Well no ol' Dragnet is gonna scare off ol' Nomi!" Nomi says, playfully, making Randy laugh. "Hey look! HighStones!" Randy says, pointing at the mountains. "Hmm... That was quicker than I anticipated." Nomi says, looking up at the MotherMouth. "So let's go!" Randy says, running up the trail. "Alright, you hyperactive kit." Nomi says playfully. "I'm not a hyper active kit!" Randy says, looking at Nomi with a glare. "Haha!" Nomi laughs. "Come on! Let's just climb!" Randy says, continuing to run up the trail. "Whatever you say."

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