Even good things could happen in the dark...

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Randy looked in horror at the lifeless body of the young dragon-girl. He couldn't belive that just one man could pull out so much blood from one slash to the neck! Randy looked up at Nomi, who looked compleatly shocked, Nomi wasn't telling him everything... Randy knew that Nomi knew that, who was it? Oh yeah, BitterCold... He looked over at Silver, who looked very stearn and feared. He also looked over at Gold, who backed away massivly, and Angela covered her mouth and cried lightly. Randy tugged at Nomi's cape and looked at Nomi with fear. "Is she.... Dead?" Randy said, clinging to Nomi's arm. He let out a shaky breath and looked at Randy with tears. "Y-Y-Yes..... She dead.." Nomi says, putting his hands on his face. "W-W-Wh-What..... H-How can she be dead! She has nine lives!!" Randy says, flailing his arms like crazy. "No, if an injury is too leathal to any leader, they could loss all their lives in one wound." Nomi says, looking at the slash on DeadStar's neck. "It's useless! BitterCold is too strong for us! We'll never beat him!" Gold says, looking at everyone else. "It is true... BitterCold seems to inhabit the power of the beast that was defeated in the Glaier Palace." Silver says calmly, but also strictly. "If Nomi is the Nouris beast, we should give him up to BitterCold as an offering! So he could leave us alone!" Angela says, making a point to everyone except Nomi and Randy. "Are you saying you should excile me!?" Nomi says, looking very shocked. "If BitterCold is after the Nouris beast, then he would kill everyone just to find you.." Silver says, narrowing his eyes. "Wh-Whoa! Y-You guys can't be kidding me.. I'm like... Eveyone's leader! Y-You can't get rid of me now!" Nomi says, looking very shocked. "I think we've made our choice..." TyClaw says, walking in front of everyone. "Y-You can't be serious!" Nomi says angerily. "Everyone, chase him out.. NOW!!" Silver commands, and everyone starts to run after Nomi. 'NO!! NOT AGAIN!! IT'S HAPPENED BEFORE IN MY PAST! BUT WHY NOW WHEN I HAVE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN THE WORLD!?! I CAN'T LET THEM DOWN LIKE I DID 400 YEARS AGO!! ... It's no use.. I have to keep running and running until I gain enough stregnth to battle BitterCold... I have to leave...'


"Mission acomplished!" Silver says, throwing up a fist in the air. Everyone cheered and cheered until everyone lost their breaths. "Come on Randy! Go get some of Angela's cake!" Gold says, patting Randy on the back. "No thanks..." Randy says dully. "Come on, I think he's just feeling a little home sick.. Right Randy?" TyClaw says, smacking Randy on the back. "No I'm not fine!!!" Randy yells angerily at TyClaw. Everyone froze and stared at Randy with shock in their eyes. "Hmm.... Alright... I won't judge you, besides, if you want to go back to the Nouris territory, I wouldn't mind, besides, your our new leader now." Percy says, looking at Randy softly. The purple-haired teen looked down and nodded. He needed to get away from all the ruckess.

Randy finally made it back to the alleyway, he walked into the camp and saw the place where the leader's den was. He sighed saddly and crawled under the large trashcan. Under the large dumpster was a blanket that looked like it was 100 years old, and the pillow was acually another part of the blanket, just bundled up together. Randy curled up into a ball and drew in the scent of Nomi. 'Where are you now Nomi? I want to go and find you, but these clan cats won't let me get out of the territory... Wait.. That's it! None's here! Everyone is just partyin' at TallRock! I could leave now!' Randy scrambled out from underneath the dumpster and pulls out the blanket. He shakes off the dirt from his hair and runs over to his parnets house.


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