The beginning of the end

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Nomi looked outside of Randy's window and saw an incoming snowstorm coming. "Hey Randy, isn't there suppose to be a thunderstrom instead of a snowstorm?" Nomi says, shaking Randy lightly. "No.. What the heck are you talking about?" Randy says, getting out of bed. He looks outside and sees the giant mass of clouds. "What the heck is that! It's summer!" Randy says, seeing the almost black clouds. "Oh god... He's back.." Nomi says, shivering a little. "Something wrong Nomi?" Randy says, looking at the window. "N-N-No.... It's ok.." Nomi says, walking away. "Ok.." Randy says, walking away slowly. "Hmmm.." Nomi hums as he walks away.

Nomi couldn't take it anymore! His Rage expanded and his fury expanded in his heart! He couldn't let BitterCold sweep through Randy's sweet city! Not to mention his territory! Daniel was dead! Gold and Silver were somewhere in Mt. Colress! And AngelStar and her clan were miles away ingulfed in that storm!! This is becoming very frustrating as he kept thinking about all the problems that has been inflicted on this place. He felt his hair ruffle more than he thought it can, and he felt his shoulders and his size grow larger. "Why doesn't anything go right!!" He yelled in the large yard. He looked up at the grey sky and yells another language. "He sat on the grass and felt his wings grow large into black, sharp feathers. His tail grew into a large cat-like tail. The original black strands wisped around his four legs and some flowed from his muzzle. He looked in a small puddle and saw his face. It was a giant cat with black markings on his face, and a star on his forehead. He sighed and he looked around. He was in his monster form, but he didn't know until he looked in the puddle. He got up on his four legs and jumped into Randy's window, on the second floor.

"WHOA!! GIANT CAT!!! MOM!!" Randy yelled as he saw the cat staring at him. "Please don't eat me!" Randy begged as he hugged the wall. The cat just scoffed and walked over to the closest. The cat curled up and slept there, without knowing Randy watching him. Randy got up and looked out to see the massive snowstorm headed his way. 'Why is this storm coming this way? And why is it a snowstorm? It's summer!' Randy thought despreatly.


"BitterCold! Hello.. It's nice to see you.." DeadStar says, walking towards the large beast. "Oh... Yes... How may I help you?" The beast says, looking at DeadStar. "I came to purpose an offer.." She says, moving her dragon tail around. "Hmm.... Explain.." He says, showing himself for the first time in the moonlight. DeadStar froze and saw how large the beast was, 8 feet high, had glaicer spikes poking out of his back, large ice dagger claws, and a face that she could never forget. Half covered in ice, and the other half was exposing greyish-blue scales. "Explain now DeadStar!" The dragon hissed. "Oh yes! We kill the Nouris beast, and you help me rule this hopeless place.. Then I would use its powers to give to my clan." She says, raising her head proudly. BitterCold thought for a moment, he could kill her here and give some kind of glory, wait no... Kill her in front of all the clans! Then rule this forest with an iron fist... Yes.... This is perfect.... "Fine... I will accept your offer... But you have to bring all four clans to TallRock... In three days... Now... LEAVE!!" He roars, lashing his claws forcefully, but since he missed, he stabbed the ground, causing it to crack open. "Yes sir, I won't let you down!" She says, spreading her wings and flying away quickly. "Oh.. You won't..." He hissed under his breath, chuckling evily as he entered the shadows.


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