The preparing age...

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Randy shuffled around in the small space he was in with Nomi. He didn't like to be so close to the redhead, he liked having some space, but that wasn't bothering him... The war was in two days, he has been over-worked out, and worn out (not for that you dirty minded ppl! x3) from all of the training. "Monster... How do I feel... Creatures lie here... Looking through the windows..." Randy sings softly, playing around with Nomi's long strand of hair. "Randy... You feel unhappy and scared... But think of it... Your saving many lives." Nomi says, falling asleep. Randy lied down until he heard something crash. "Hm?" Randy crawls out of the den, and sees two small dragon-people pick out some weapons from the weaponry, along with another large dragon-man, leading the patrol. "Put those down now!" Randy says, running towards the three of them, he stops and sees them looking at him. "What are you going to do? I am TigerFang! You cannot do anything to a warrior like me, you pathetic, puny leader."TigerFang says, circling the teenager. "S-S-Shut up!!" Randy yells angrily at the three. "So why do you look so weak!?" One of the dragon-men said. Randy felt very angry at these men, they were so... Mean!! Randy felt the angry rise massively, he grabbed the nearest weapon, and threw it at them like a boomerang. With this being a chain sickle, the chain wrapped around Randy's wrist as soon as he threw the sickle at them. Two of them jumped out of the way, while the blue haired dragon-man was caught in the sickle, and pulled towards Randy. The teen grabbed the dragon by the neck, and pinned him to the ground, choking him to death. As soon as the dragon stopped moving, Randy was pinned down by TigerFang, who unsheathed his claws as soon as he got a grip on Randy's shoulders. Randy tried kicking off TigerFang, but failed to. "Haha... And they said you were a threat... Goodbye, Randall Cunningham..." TigerFang was about to stab him with his large claws, until he was thrown back to the alleyway walls. "None... And I mean none... Tries to kill my mate..." Nomi hisses, as he licks the blood off of his claws. "Mm.. Haven't tasted dragon in a long time... Wonder how it tastes now..." Nomi says, looking at the two live dragons with a dark look. The two flinched at the look, and jumped over the wall, not caring if they fell or not.

"N-Nomi! You saved my life! I thought I was going to lose a life!" Randy says, hugging the large cat. "*chuckles* Yeah, thank god I heard the sickle being thrown... I'm surprised that you used the chain and sickle very well, none is usually good at using the chain sickle." Nomi says, picking up the weapon. "So, as I was saying, wake me up anytime if you hear something, alright?" Nomi says, poking Randy's nose playfully. "Yeah... Ok..." Randy says, crawling back into the little den. "Goodnight... Again..." Nomi says, wrapping his arms around Randy's waist. "Goodnight..." Randy says, falling asleep in the leader's arms.


"GET UP NOMI!!!!! THE DAWN PATROL GOT BACK WITH SOME CRAZY NEWS!!" Randy says, shaking the redhead. "Nhh... What?" Nomi mumbled as he got up dizzily. "WAKE UP ALREADY!!" Randy says, shaking him once more. "I'm up!" Nomi says, swatting his hand away from his shoulders. "Sorry, but, listen to what the dawn patrol has to say!" Randy says, leading Nomi out of the den. "Hey NourisStar, um... We have some nutty news for you..." Percy says, walking up to Nomi. "And... What is it?" Nomi says, looking at them seriously. "We were checking the GoldenClan boarders, and GoldenStar came around, telling us that one of BitterCold's warriors came around, and stole a few weapons." Percy said, looking around at everyone else. "Oh god... This is bad. For all of the clans... If BitterCold is going to cause trouble at home and in the neighborhood, then we have to warn them..." Nomi says, looking at the blue sky. "Yeah, so your going to bring Randy... Of course..." Percy scoffs. "Well yeah, plus, we're both leaders, so they have to receive the warning from both of us." Nomi says, wrapping an arm around Randy. "Yep..." Percy says flatly. "Anyways, I'm going to the GoldenClan boarders, and Percy, organize patrols for boarder, and hunting patrols while I'm gone, ok?" Nomi instructed. "Alright..."

Candy from MY stranger <3Where stories live. Discover now