Chapter 10

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Hey dear readers!

I edited Chapters 8 and 9 which I'm sure helped because I think it kinda confused you all a bit.

Terribly sorry 'bout that.

This chapter is just about Jerson and Joy texting so...yeah.

Now,read on! :)


🌸Joy's POV🌸

I want to get him back...

This kept repeating in my mind. She wants JM back but she has no idea that he's already taken. Taken by me. Don't get me wrong,Elle is a nice friend. She doesn't make Anne feel left-out. When we left the Ice Cream Shoppe,we went to see a movie then went dress shopping. I don't like to break her heart when I told her that I'm now JM's girlfriend. But how the hell am I gonna tell her.

Buzz Buzz

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and looked at the screen.

1 new text message from JMA<3

I smiled a little then typed my password (Which is NOT "JERSON" spelled backwards,definitely not.)


You already home?


Yeeeeep. Just an hour ago I think?

I looked at my watch and saw that the time is 9:07 and I arrived here at 8:00 sharp.


Why didn't you tell me then? :(

I smiled a little again. This boy is so dramatic.


Sorry,sorry. You din't tell me I should though. :P


Fair point m'lady. Fair point...

I got nervous when the "I want to get him back." thing crept inside my mind again. Should I tell him? Well,I really should because couples meed to trust each other. I smiled at the word "couples."


I kinda need to tell you something....


What is it? You're gonna break up with me,aren't you? My god,you ARE going to! *gasp*


No! No no no no,never in a million years!


*Sigh* God I kinda felt nervous because of that! So what are you gonna tell me?


Remember when I said that Elle wants us to talk?


Yeah...? What about that?


Well,he wants us to talk about you. He wants you back,JM.

I waited for 5 minutes till I received a reply from him. I think he got shocked or something.


What are you talking about,Joy?


She wants you back,JM. She wants you to love her again.

It hurts like hell when I typed that...


And do you want me too...?


WHAT!? God,no! Please!


Why are you telling me about this,then?


Because you're my boyfriend and I trust you. I told you because I'm scared,JM. I'm scared that I'll lose you.

Cheesy,but sweet.


Baby you will never lose me. :) [3 PICTURES ATTACHED]

I clicked the pictures he attached with the message and it opened. The first one is him pointing to himself,the second one is him making a heart shape and the last one is pointing at the camera. Wait...he loves me?

To:JMA<3 me?

My heart is pumping blood like it's the end of the world. I feel like it will fall to my bum in any second. Then,it vibrated again...


Does this picture I attached answer your question? [1 PICTURE ATTACHED]

I clicked the photo and it opened. It is him holding a piece of Bond Paper and "I Love Joy" is scribbled on it. I actually felt a REAL tear fall from my eye.


I love you too,JM. :')


I love you more,Joy. :)


Ooooookay another update YIPEE.

This is like a filler actually,but I'm drowning in the sea of fluff.




Thanks and I love you all! :)

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