[1] Whore

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That was three years ago, now you were eighteen. You were always on the run now, never staying in one place too long. You had gotten used to the lycan curse. Though, not much happier about it either. You had quickly learn some combat skills, in order to protect yourself, and even stole a few books occasionally. You had tried to pick up off of what your father was teaching you. Healing, herbs, archery and such. But also literature. It always calmed you to read a good book. You had also learned much more of your lycan abilities. Including learning to control yourself (to some extent).

"Oi! Are you just going to sit there or actually order something? I don't have time to be dealing with you!" The man who was tending to the bar barked at you. You had been twiddling with your necklace of a sun for some time now, deep in your thoughts. You let out a deep sigh, and lowered your hood.

"I'll have an ale." You took out your coin pouch and handed him a gold piece.

"You know, I could give it to you for free. Well, if you gave me a good time." He looked you up and down now, he must have only now realized you were a woman, now that your hood was down. You scrunched your nose in disgust.

"No thank you, i'll just take my ale." He seemed quite annoyed at your response, but complied, taking your gold.

"Enjoy, you fucking whore tease." You only rolled your eyes and started to sip your ale that he had shoved at you.

It wasn't much later when a pair of pair men came in and started a conversation a few feet from you. You, being a curious girl by nature, couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"And I'd know if my goat was in love with you?" You pursed your lips and raised an eyebrow. Okay....... "He says to me, 'I know your goats in love with me.'"

"So you says how, Bosha?" The other man asks.

"So I says how. And he says, "Well, she fucks me, don't she?" You internally cringed. This transcends idiocracy.

"And that's when you hit him." The other man chimes in again.

"Right across the eyes with a shovel. And now the headman says I have to pay the bastard money because he went blind."

"Not fair."

"So I says to him, " You didn't think he was gonna go blind fucking a goat with mange?" At this point it was too late to butt out of the story.

"That would have been your fault, too."

"I would have gotten blamed for that, too. But what am I supposed to do when I find my goat laying on its side in the field, fucked within an inch of its life and a naked man with blood and straw all over his peck?" Well you guessed there's not much you can do in the situation.

"Hit him with a shovel!"

"Fucking right I hit him with a shovel! More ale for me and my cousin Kob!"


"Look we may have had the same father, but you came out of my aunt. Don't make me get my shovel." Okay that actually explains quite a bit now.

"Anyone else while I'm pouring?" The bartender asks. You were still in the middle of yours, plus you didn't want to be knocked out drunk in a place with people like this. Could be a bit....dangerous.

"One over here." You hear a slur from a man sitting in the back. He had been there since before you were. Then another man burst in interrupting my thoughts.

"Ale! For Christ's sake!" He shouted. He looked as if he had walked to hell and back.

"Piter! We was just wondering if you'd spotted any attractive sheep on your ride out." Apparently this is the goat fucker?

Hiraeth - [Alucard/Adrian Tepes x Lycan!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now