Stay With Me

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I watched as she closed her eyes. I thought I would never see those beautiful eyes again, but they opened a short while after we got to her. She got hit in her abdomen.

It wasn't nothing serious but the impact probably knocked her unconscious. We rushed her to the hospital where she was treated immediately. I'm glad she's okay.

I don't know what my life would be like without her. I love her with all of my heart and soul. I was pacing the room hoping for some answers soon. I never thought K12 would do something like this.

She always seemed to be so sweet and dear. Then one day I found out she was cheating on me. So I broke it off. I guess she couldn't handle that. I never expected Special to feel the impact of that though.

Special has been through a lot. I didn't ever mean for her to be in this. Maybe its time I take a step away from the drug game. Get my life on track and move away with Special. Maybe.


I hear the drip drop of water playing softly in my ears. I can't remember much of what happened to me. I just know I'm in pain everywhere. I hear everyone's voice. They all want me to wake up. Nina, Amenah, Ray, Prince and most of all, Craig's.

His voice is filled sorrow and regret which is why I have to open my eyes. So he knows I am here. "I just need for you to wake up. I need to know your okay." I try to reach for him because I know he's beside me. I hear a beep beep and its steadily speeding up. I grip onto what I think is his hand.

"Did you see that?" He says. See what? I need to keep trying. I feel my hand on his face and I gingerly move it up and down his face. "She's moving." He says. I hear Amenah's voice next. "Keep talking to her." She states.

"When you get up baby, I'm going to drop out of the game and we're gonna move. Far away and start a new life. Me, you and the babies." Babies? Who's pregnant? I feel my body start to tingle. Its starting to awaken. My leg shoots up and hits Roc on his arm. "She just had a muscle spasm." Roc tells them.

"We're gonna have a small wedding and I'll get to see your beautiful face as you walk down the aisle. Then I get to hold you and protect you like I should have. I'm so sorry Special." I like the sound of things. There goes that beeping again. One last time Special. Come on you can do it.

"And I'm in love with you. I love you and I'll do everything to make sure you know it." Thats it. I open my eyes finally and am blinded by light. I look over to Craig and smile. "You already have. I love you too." My voice comes out raspy. Not that they seem to notice. They are in shock I'm alive. Thank god I am.


I will be finishing this story and focusing on one of my others by next week. Hang with me.


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