Problems in the Past

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Hey guys, hope you like this new story. I couldn't think of any names for the master of earth or ice, so that's what I'll call the, Earth and Ice. It's all I got. Enjoy the story and please comment.

Ninjago 40 years ago

Ninjago was in a time of peace. The Serpentine War had just ended and Ninjago was safe, but the Elemental Alliance knew it wouldn't be long until the next threat to Ninjago reviled itself to them. So, all they could do until then was train.

Four elemental masters were training in the monastery. They paired in groups of two against each other as their exercise today, and Wu was watching them, making sure nothing bad happened.

Ray, the master of fire, and the master of ice were fighting against Libby, master of lightning, and the master of earth. All of them were bored out of their minds. Nothing interesting happened since the Serpentine were trapped in their tombs.

"Is anyone besides me board?" Libby asked as she dodged Ray fire blast.

"For once, I agree with you." Ray said as he shot another blast of fire at the other two masters.

"Yes, it's been way to quite in Ninjago, which means something exciting will probably happen soon." Earth said as he avoided Rays attack.

"Whatever happens next we'll deal with it, just like we did with the serpentine." Ice said as he avoided Libby's lightning.

Eventually, Ray and Ice won the round and they all took a break. Ice noticed that Wu was being really quiet.

"Wu, is everything okay?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. I just sense something bad is going to come." Wu said. "I suggest that we all be on our guards. I have a feeling that whoever it is, is already here."

The others nodded and continued their training. Besides them, Wu, Garmadon, and Krux and Acronix, they were all alone. But Ice was beginning to sense something too.

"So, how do we know for sure that there is someone here?" Libby asked once they were done training.

Before anyone could answer, Garmadon came running outside. "Brother, someone has stolen the Golden Weapons!"

They all gave a short gasp. Then Ray turned to Libby and asked, "Does that answer your question?" Libby nodded.

Then Earth noticed two figures running with something out of the corner of his eye. He hit the ground and the intruders immediately stopped in their tracks. The others turned and saw them. Each one of the intruders had two of the Golden Weapons in their hands.

"Who are you!" Ray yelled at the intruders.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" One of the intruder said causally, as if he weren't intruding in their home. It was obviously a man under the mask he was wearing.

"Hand over the Golden Weapons, or we will take them from you." Wu warned, and the others brought out their weapons.

"I'd like to see you try." The other man said, and held the Sword of Fire, ready to defend himself.

For a moment they all just stood there, waiting for someone to move. In an instant, one of the men blasted fire at the masters, luckily they managed to dodge them.

Libby then tried to zap him with her lightning, but the other man quickly used the Nunchucks of Lightning and absorbed it. Then, Ray shot a ball of fire at them.

They dodged the fire ball like it was nothing, and smirked under their masks. "That was a horrible attack. No wonder it was so easy to take these weapons." one of them said.

The fighting continued on for a while, the men switching weapons with each element blasted at them. They even managed to not get hit by Krux's power to pause time or Acronix's power to slow down time.

Soon Ice and Earth came up with a plan. They both blasted their elements at the same time, confusing them. Soon Libby and Ray caught on a joined them. Eventually the men were to tired and near the edge of the cliff near the Monastery.

"It's over, give back the Golden Weapons!" Libby yelled at him as she and the others surrounded him.

"Sorry cutie, can't do that." One of them said and winked at her. She gave him a disgusted look, as they closed the circle around him.

Just when they were about to grab them, the other man used the Scythe of Quakes to knock all of them to the ground. Unfortunately, it also caused the cliff to become unstable. One of the men ran over to the stable side, but dropped the two Golden Weapons he was holding. Wu, Garmadon, Krux, Acronix, and one of the men were safe, but the other four, and the other man, weren't.

The earth under their feet gave way, and they were all fall. Ray looked to see the man still had two of the Golden Weapons, so them gave him a quick kick, and grabbed the Sword of Fire. The others managed to grab the other three weapons as well.

Krux and Acronix looked at the other from the cliff. They could see them fall and had to stop it. They tried using all their power to pause and slow down the falling group. But what they didn't know, it that when they used all their power, they created a time portal.

Wu and Garmadon looked at the portal as they saw the others fall into it with the men and the Golden Weapons. The portal then closed.

"What just happened, brother?" Garmadon asked, still looking at the spot where their friends had fallen through the portal.

"I don't know." Wu said, still looking at the same spot.

"I think we know." Krux said. He was tightly holding onto the other man who didn't fall through the portal. "When we tried to stop their fall, we accidentally opened a portal through time, meaning they could be in any time and any place."

Wu and Garmadon looked at each other, fearfully. They knew what would happen if the four master were lost forever.

"Can you bring them back?" Wu asked.

"We're to weak. We'll need to get our strength back, but we're not really sure." Acronix said.

"The best thing we can do is hope that we just opened a portal to tomorrow." Krux said. "But what do we do about him?" He gestured the intruder.

"Take him to the prison." Garmadon said. Krux and Acronix turned and walked off with the thief, leaving Wu and Garmadon alone.

"What should we do brother?" Wu asked.

"Just hope the others can find their way back home." Garmadon said, putting a hand on his younger brother's shoulder.

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