Fighting for the Past

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New chapter! I thought I'd post it for you guys before I left for school. Only a week of school left! YAY! I'll post another chapter of 'Little Ninja' this afternoon. Please comment and enjoy. 😉😊

Cole couldn't move his legs. He also couldn't move his toes, feet, or hips. His lower half was almost frozen solid.

"I'm going to ask you one more time." The man said, walking back and forth in front of him. "Where are the other three Golden Weapons?"

"And I'm telling you for the last time that I'm not saying anything about where they are to you." Cole said to him.

"Wrong answer, kid." The man said, and aimed the shurikens at him. He blasted him with more ice and froze some of his upper body. Cole screamed as the ice covered more of his body.

"Gonna talk now?" The man asked with a smirk as he stopped freezing Cole.

"N-n-never!" Cole said, shivering from all the cold ice on his body.

"Have it your way." He said, and prepared to froze him again when he felt something smack into the back of his head.

"Hey, miss us." A female voice called to him. He turned and saw the four Elemental Masters standing a few feet away from him.

"Well, if it isn't the three stooges and blonde. Thought I lost you four when we fell though that time portal thing." The man called out.

"Well you can't get rid of us that easily." Earth said. "Now let the kid go."

"You want him, come and get him." The man said and got ready for a fight.

The Elemental Master all looked at each other and nodded, knowing it was time to do their part of Lloyd's plan.

They all dodged the blast of ice that he shot at them and tried to get him as far as they could from Cole. While they distracted the man, Kai would melt the ice and free Cole.

As they traveled further into the forest, they could still hear the man close behind them. He was still blasting ice at them, but they still managed to not get hit.

While they were avoiding ice blast, Kai was melting the ice that held Cole. "H-hurry u-up Kai." Cole managed to say, still shivering from all the ice on him.

"I'm already almost done." Kai assured him as he continued to melt the ice around his friend.

Meanwhile, the Elemental Masters were still dealing with the man. It was getting harder since he could use the shurikens pretty well.

Then Ice got him and fell to the ground. The others stopped and quickly helped him up when the man said, "Don't move!" And pointed the shurikens at them.

They all gave each other a distressed look and stood still. Everyone was still for a moment, and the man smirked.

"Now I'm only going to ask you all one time, where are the other Golden Weapons?" He said as he walk closer.

"We will never tell you." Ice said.

"The goodbye, Elemental Masters." He called as he shot more ice at them, but before it hit them, a blast of fire came out of nowhere and hit the ice. The man looked shocked for a minute before the ninja reveled their presence.

The man tried to shot more ice at them, but Kai would just melt it. He was soon defeated and the Shirikens is Ice were safely in the care of the ninja and ElementalMasters.

"Glad that's over." Nya said, speaking for everyone.

"We're not out of the woods yet, we have to get back to Borg to get them home." Lloyd said.

With that said, they all took off to Borg Towers and were ready to send the Elemental Masters back home to the past.

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