Goodbye For Now

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Today I'm publishing my final two chapters of 'Past and Present.' I hope you all liked this story and enjoyed it. Please comment. 😉😊😎

Everyone stood in Cyrus Borg's lab, waiting for the portal to be opened and the Elemental Masters, the Golden Weapons, and the man to be sent back home.

"Just another moment and the portal will be opened." Cyrus told everyone.

Everyone, except for the man, cheered at the good news. The Elemental Masters could finally go home without time being wrecked.

"How much time do we have left?" Ray asked.

"We have less then an hour." Nya answered, looking at her phone.

While the others were busy talking about going home, Libby walked over to Jay to talk to him.

"Hey," She said, getting Jay's attention.

"Hey," He said awkwardly back to her.

"I just want to say, it's been amazing meeting you." Libby said.

A small smile appeared on Jay's face and he said, "Thanks, it's been amazing meeting you too."

Libby smiled and pulled him into a hug. It felt a little weird for Jay at first, but he eventually returned the first, and possibly only, hug with his birth mother.

"I can't wait to meet you again, for the first time." Libby said.

Jay knew that he had a chance to tell her now. All he had to do was tell her that she abandoned him and ask her not to, but he just couldn't.

Instead, he said, "I can't wait to meet you too, Mom."

That only made Libby smile even bigger. Once she was done hugging him, she walked back over to the others, leaving Jay standing there. Nya walked over to him and said, "You didn't tell her."

"I just couldn't do it." Jay said, looking over at his birth mother. "Although I will find out what happened to her."

Nya took his hand into hers and said, "And I'll be right by your side when you do."

Jay smiled at his girlfriend and said, "I'm counting on it."

Meanwhile, Kai was having a similar conversation with his father.

"This isn't goodbye forever." Kai reminded his father as he hugged him.

"I know, but it's goodbye for now. I'll see you in a couple of years." Ray said, and put a hand on Kai's shoulder. "I can't wait to watch you grow up."

"It has been a great honor getting to know you." Zane told the Master of Ice.

"And it will be a greater honor to meet you again, in the right time." Ice said.

"I'll see you soon, kid." Earth told Cole as he gave him a bone crushing hug.

"I hope so. Have a safe trip home." Cole said.

"It's ready!" Cyrus yelled to everyone. "It's time for them to leave."

The Elemental Masters, the man, and the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu all gathered in the center of the room.

But before they left, Cyrus said, "There's one thing that you all should know. After you step through the portal, you won't remember anything about your time here."

The Elemental Masters shared a sad look, then gave a final look at the ninja and waved at them.

"Goodbye!" They all cried as the portal opened and they all stepped through. After a moment, the portal closed, and everything was back to normal... well, for Ninjago.

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