Meeting Old Friends

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this story a lot, but I just really wanted to try to get near the end of 'Jealous' before focusing on another one of my stories.

Also, I have made a few changes when I unpublished it. So you might want to read it before you continue. Enjoy the chapter. 😉

The ride back to the Temple of Airjitzu was a silent one. The Elemental Masters were all riding on the back of the ninja's dragons since their powers weren't working. Ray was riding with Kai, Libby was riding with Jay, Earth was behind Cole, and Ice was behind Zane.

The Elemental Masters were all surprised to see that their destination was a floating temple in the air. But still, no one said anything.

When they finally got to the floating temple, they followed the ninja inside. And were greeted by two familiar faces.

"Ninja, what happened-" Wu cut himself off when he saw the four Elemental Masters in the room. Misako stood there too, and had the same shocked expression on her face.

"Wu?" Ray asked, looking at him in a funny way.

"You're so... different." Libby said, carefully choosing her word.

Wu just stood there, completely and utterly shocked. For a moment, he even thought he was dreaming. Finally, he smiled and said, "It is good to see the four of you again."

The four Elemental Masters just stood there, staring at Wu like they had never seen him before. Finally, Libby broke the silence.

"Well, it's safe to say we definitely time traveled into the future." She said.

"Sensei, we came explain." Kai said and told him everything that happened.

Wu stroked his long white beard and thought for a moment, before saying, "I see. Well, tomorrow you will all work on finding the Shurikens of Ice and a way for them to get home."

"Yes sensei." All the ninja said at once and bowed.

"Okay, but we might have any problem, Wu." Earth said. "Our powers aren't working."

Wu didn't even need to think about what was happening to them. He already knew the answer.

"The reason you can not access your elemental powers is because you descends in this time." Wu said, nodding towards the ninja.

"That would explain a lot." Ray said, remembering them using elemental powers and Kai calling him dad.

"Well, I think it's time we all go to be." Misako said.

With that, Misako lead the Elemental Masters to their temporary rooms to get some sleep. The ninja were about to go to their rooms, when Wu stopped them.

"What is it sensei?" Cole asked.

"With the Elemental Masters powers not working, I want you six to keep a close eye on them. I don't want them learning about their future." Wu said.

"Yes sensei." All the ninja said and went to their rooms to get some sleep.

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