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Ninjago 40 years ago
Wu stood outside the monastery, hoping to see a sign of the others in the sky, but wasn't having any luck so far. He had been doing the exact same thing yesterday, when others disappeared in Krux and Acronix's time portal.

"Any sign of them?" Garmadon asked his younger brother as he stepped outside of the monastery.

Wu shook his head and looked back up at the sky, still hoping to see a sing that the others were back home.

Just as he was about to give up and go inside, a bright flash filled the sky. Wu and Garmadon looked up to see five figures falling out of the vortex.

With the others
When Ray opened his eyes, he saw he was falling. He quickly looked around him and saw the others and that man. They were all unconscious and falling towards the ground really fast.

The Shurikens of Ice and Scythe of Quakes were falling too, but he saw that he had the Sword of Fire and that Libby was hugging the Nunchucks of Lightning, even though she was unconscious.

"Guys, wake up!" Ray yelled at them. They all opened their eyes and were surprised to see they were headed right for the ground.

"We're all going to die!" Libby cried, still clutching the nunchucks tightly.

"Are you forgetting we can creat our dragons?" Earth called her as he grabbed the scythe.

Relief came across Libby's face and she yelled back, "Oh right!"

Libby, Ice, and Earth all effortlessly created their dragons, but Ray had to grab the man first before creating his dragon.

He grabbed him by his shirt and then created his dragon. He looked at the others and they all started flying towards the Monastery of Spinjitzu.

When they arrived, they were created by Wu, Garmadon, and Krux and Acronix. They all looked happy to see them.

"Are you all okay?" Wu asked as they dragged the man over to the others.

"Yes, Wu, we are fine." Ice assured him.

"What happened to you all?" Garmadon asked.

"The last thing I remember is us falling though that time portal." Ray answered and rubbed his head as they handed Wu and Garmadon the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu.

"Well, we should be lucky it only sent us one day ahead in time." Earth said.

"Could you imagine if we were sent to the future?" Libby asked, trying to hold in some laughs at the thought of it.

"Yeah, like that'll happen." Ray said to her sarcastically, but was also holding in a laugh of his own.

"Yeah, and maybe while we were there, we met out kids and grandkids." Earth suggest with a laugh.

"Okay, now come on, we have to get this guy to prison with his partner." Krux said as he and Acronix started pushing him off to prison.

As they all began to walk off, Libby saw a cute little bird fly over them. It landed over on the tree and she saw what kind of bird it was.

'A Blue Jay,' Libby thought to herself as she looked at the bird. Then she hurried after the others, but as she ran, she could help but whisper aloud to herself with a smile, "Jay, I like that name."

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