Past vs. Presents

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New chapter! Hope you guys like it. Please comment and enjoy. 😉😊 Also, I may not update this for awhile. I want to focus on my other stories, but I'll update this whenever they're done. Or I'm bored.

The ninja were all at the Temple of Airjitzu. Everything had been quiet since the ninja defeated Lord Garmadon and came back from the land of Oni and Dragons. Lloyd and Nya were glad to have their friend and family back. They were all in the living room, relaxing, when suddenly the alarm went off.

"Aww, come on." Jay wined as they ran to the control room.

"Sensei, what's going on?" Kai asked once they were all in the control room.

"According to the scanners, there has been temporal energy in Wildwood Forest." Wu said.

"I thought we didn't have to worry about any more time travel!" Jay wined again. The others couldn't argue that they thought they were done with time travel too.

"Well, lets see what happened." Lloyd said.

They all quickly ran outside and summoned their elemental dragons. They flew to the forest and looked around.

"Well, except for an angry bear, I found nothing." Kai said, he looked like he had a fight with it.

Jay walked over to Nya, but tripped over something on the way. "Ow." He said.

"Jay, you okay?" Cole asked, helping him up.

"I just tripped over something." Jay explained.

Cole kneeled down to see what it was, and to his surprise, it was the Scythe of Quakes. For a moment, they all just looked at the scythe in Cole's hands, wondering if it was really real.

"Is that really the Scythe of Quakes?" Nya asked.

"Only one way to find out." Cole said and slammed it hard against the ground. The ground shook for a minute then stopped.

"That is definitely the Scythe of Quakes." Kai said.

"But that is impossible, my records show that it was melted down with the other three Golden Weapons?" Zane said.

"Maybe its the cause of the temporal energy?" Jay suggested.

"Maybe." Cole said, still holding onto the scythe.

"Hey guys, tracks." Lloyd said.

They all saw two pairs of prints on the ground leading though the forest.

"So we're going to follow them, right?" Jay asked.

"Of course." Cole said as they summoned their dragons and followed the tracks from the air. They eventually lead to the old monastery, where they saw two people taking a fighting stance. One was a boy and the other was a girl.

As the ninja got closer, they could make out the boy and girl more clearly. And they were shocked.

"Dad?" Kai asked after they all dispelled their dragons.

Ray looked at Libby, clearly confused, but quickly returned to his fighting stance. "Who are you?" He asked.

Kai and Nya were shocked that their father didn't recognize them. They'd just seen him and their mother yesterday.

"We're your kids." Kai answered.

Ray glanced over at Libby again, she gave a small shrug.

"I hate to break it to you, but I have no kids." Ray said.

Libby looked at each ninja, but stopped when she looked at Cole. She spotted the Scythe of Quakes on his back and it looked like like all the color was drained from her face.

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