Present Problems

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Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, but it was the best I could do. Hope you guys still love it, even if it does stink. Enjoy and comment. 😉😊

Libby ran for help. She didn't want to leave Cole alone with that mysterious man, but she had no choice. She didn't have her element or a weapon. She needed to find the others quickly.

She was so lost in thought running, that she knocked into something, or someone. She looked to see Jay laying on the ground beside her.

"Sorry," Libby said, quickly getting to her feet and helping him up. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's okay," Jay said brushing the dirt off him. "But why are you running?"

"Cole and I found the man who stole the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu, but when Cole tried to sneak up on him and get the shurikens back, he stepped on a twig and the man heard him and froze him with the shurikens." Libby told Jay.

"We have to tell the others." Jay said, grabbed Libby's hand, and pulled her towards where the others were already gathered.

When they got there, the others were already there, waiting for them. When they saw both Masters of Lightning but no Master of Earth, they knew something was up.

"What's going on? Where's Cole?" Earth quickly asked both of them. Although he tried not to show it, it was clear he was worried about his grandson.

Libby quickly explained what had happened. Then she started panicking.

"He just froze Cole with one blast from the shurikens! What are we going to do!?! What are we going to do!?!" Libby asked while pacing back and forth.

Ice, Earth, and Ray all looked at each other. It really annoyed them when Libby started freaking out about something.

"Are you done?" Earth asked her.

She took a deep breath and said, "Yes."

"Good, because Cole and that man aren't our only problem." Ray said.

"What do you mean?" Ice asked.

Earth and Ray looked at each other, then to Zane, Nya, and Jay, giving them the 'You should probably tell them' look.

Nya took a deep breath and said, "If we don't get you back to your time in a few hours, then you'll be trapped here forever and history will be messed up."

"And just when you think things can't get any worse." Libby said sarcastically.

"So, what are we going to do?" Kai asked no one in particular.

"Well, first we're going to find Cole and get the shurikens back." Lloyd answered. "Then we'll take the Elemental Masters back to Borg and he'll open a portal back to their time. We just need to be quick,"

"Okay, so let's go save Cole." Jay said, and everyone went to where Libby said Cole and that man were.

They all hid in the bushes so they wouldn't get caught, and watched the man try to get the information he needed out of Cole.

"Just tell me where the other weapons are and I'll let you go." The man offered.

"Forget it, I'm not telling you anything." Cole shouted.

"I have a plan." Lloyd said and explained it to everyone. They all quickly nodded and got into the positions they were suppose to be in.

It was time to beat the man and deal with all their problems in the present.

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