Thinking About the Past

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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates for this story. I'm trying to get it finished before summer starts, so I should update this more often. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. This is also kinda just a filler chapter by the way. But still enjoy. 😉

While the others were at Borg Industries, Cole, Kai, Lloyd, Ice, and Libby were back in the forest, searching for the shurikens. So far, they weren't having much luck, so they split up to cover more ground.

Cole was stuck looking for the shurikens with Libby, and he was also learning how talkative she was.

'I just the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' Cole thought, thinking of how much Jay talked.

Truth be told, there was something that Cole had been dying to ask his grandfather, or any of the other Elemental Masters for that matter, about his mother, but he didn't want to disrupt the time stream.

"Are you okay?" Libby asked him, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Cole lied.

Libby didn't believe him for one minute. She knew there was something bugging him, but didn't push him to tell her. Instead, she just changed the subject.

"So, when did you discover you were the new master of earth?" She asked.

Cole thought for a minute. 'It wouldn't hurt to tell her, right? After all, it's not like she'll know her own future.'

"I was climbing a mountain when I ran into Master Wu." Cole explained. "We talked for a bit and he asked me to join his team. So, I said yes. Later, he told me I was master of earth."

"Why were you climbing a mountain?" Libby asked.

Cole knew he couldn't tell her the whole truth, so he just said in a slightly upset voice, "I'd just loss someone I was very close to and needed to get my mind off of them."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Libby said putting a hand on his shoulder.

For some reason, her hand on his shoulder felt very comforting. She gave the same comfort Jay gave when he was tried to cheer up Cole when he was upset.

There was s little bit of silence between them for a few minutes, but Libby broke it when she said, "You know, you look so much like your mother."

Cole almost stopped in his tracks. Nobody really mentioned his mother. Not Master Wu, not Garmadon, not even Ray and Maya. Cole decided to take this opportunity to see what Libby knew about his mother.

"What was she like in your time?" Cole asked.

"She is an amazing person. She didn't inherit Earth's powers, but she's a tough cookie none the less." Libby told him with a smile. "She's a sweet girl and she is also very obsessed with cake."

Cole smiled just thinking about his mother. He didn't know if she could control earth like he could, or if her abilities were dormant, but now he knew. He finally knew a little more about his mom. He also now knew that he got his cake obsession from her as well.

When Cole looked at Libby, he saw that she looked loss in though. He was about to ask what was wrong when she said, "Did you hear that."

Cole stayed quiet for a minute and heard a man yelling. And he sounded pretty mad about something.

They walked closer to the sound and saw the man in a clearing. Libby instantly recognized him as one of the men who attacked her and the other Elemental Masters. They hid in the bushes and listened to the man talk.

"Stupid Elemental Masters." He said, still sounding pretty upset. "They ruined my perfect plan. Just grab all four Golden Weapons, then leave. Simple and sweet, but they had to intervene."

Cole noticed a bag near the man and saw the Shurikens of Ice in it. He tapped Libby on the shoulder to get her attention. He pointed to the bag and she grinned at him.

"How do we get the bag?" She whispered to him.

"I'll sneak behind him and grab it when he's no looking." Cole whispered back.

Cole started to slowly move towards the man, when he stepped on a twig. He hoped the man didn't hear, but luck was not on his side. The man quickly turned around, and pulled the shurikens out of his bag.

"And what do you think you're doing." He asked.

"Oh, just taking back some stolen shurikens." Cole answered, pulling out his scythe.

He and the man clashed weapons. It was evenly matched since he had the Shurikens of Ice instead of regular shurikens. Cole almost had him, but in one quick move, the man froze his legs and knocked his scythe out of his hands, and stood in front of Cole victoriously.

"You put up a good fight." He said. "But you're no match for me."

Cole saw Libby peek out from behind the bush to see what was going on. While the man was looking the other way, while dragging about how easily he defeated him, Cole signaled for Libby to run and get help from the others.

She understood the message and waited for the right opportunity to run and not be see. She didn't have to wait long for the man to turn back to Cole and drag some more. She took this opportunity to run and get help.

Cole hoped she would be back soon with help. He didn't know what this man would do to him while she was away. He just hoped that everything would turn out okay and he would be fine.

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