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years ago, before the next generation of the phantomhive came to exist, a man named Vincent, a married man summoned a demon but on as a joke.but he didn't let the demon scare him, "why did you summon me?" the demon asks. Truly Vincent believed summoning demons was a joke but now he is standing in front of one, of course, he wouldn't attempt summoning without having a wish or desire ready for the demon to take.

"i want to make a deal" he says proudly, he stood tall without an ounce of fear on his face despite his heart thumping against his ribs like a hammer.he refused to let the demon scare him, it would ruin his pride as a man and as a phantomhive.the demon grinned, although Vincent couldn't tell which gender it was nor how it looked. all he saw was a black mist with a white grin in the center, showing it's sharp teeth

"a deal?are you sure about that?" the demon questions, now it's eyes appeared. sharp white eyes staring at him, it's pupils like a cat."what will you give in return?" the demon it's fog started growing bigger, Vincent didn't mind until the fog started wrapping around him

"w-what are you doing?!" he yells in panic.his feet glued to the ground, he couldn't escape.

"if we are making a deal, it has to be proper"  everything around the man, disappeared.he only saw darkness, he looks around but only see black feathers floating around him.

"over here, human" he turns his head to see a white cat, sitting on a branch that grew out of nowhere."if you are going to make a deal with me, i get your soul in return" Vincent stares at the's white fur with it's white glowing eyes and a symbol on it's forehead."its always the payment for a demon"

"i want to ensure the safety of my family" the cat rests it's head on the branch.a erie laugh echoed around was like the demon wasn't using the cat form anymore, the demon was lurking around in the darkness

"ah, twins i see, you want to make sure they both grow up in good health and in happiness..."

"twins?" vincent questions.he knew his wife was bearing a child, but twins?

"yes twins, both heir to take over your place when he grows then the other...with plans of his own" mist slowly wraps around the cat, now black and white feathers flew around her."you want protection?shall i become something suitable?grab my hand to seal the deal" a hand slowly grew out from the cloud. vincent, he's a simple man. any man who is about to have a family, only wants to protect his love ones.but of course some men aren't able to do so alone, like vincent here.he's only a simple man.

his hand reached out to the black arm reaching out for's claws similar to a cat, it's long thin fingers almost making him think it's a male he summoned.his hand attached to the demon's hand, pain grew in his body.he attempts to get away, to let go but the demon's grip was way more stronger then him.he falls to his knees, finally the pain stopped.

the blackness around him, disappearing, returning back to the demon."the deal has been set, now for what's suitable" a foot came out from the cloud, it's black shiny heel turning into black shoes fit for a butler then another foot, another butler shoe. the demon turning into a human's form.the black that coverd it's legs turned to black pants.the mist slowly faded away, the demon pulls on the gloves on it's hand then fixed the coat it wore. vincent only stared it was like a magic show, but it didn't take the attention from children, but a grown man.

the fog slowly faded from it's face. her body small but it'll attract males from miles away.her curves hidden away by the uniform she wore. the face revealed it's big eyes staring at him.a grin on its face,  then fog finally disappeared.the hair fell down to it's shoulders. it blew around, from the gust of air the mist blew before disappearing." your a female" he mumbles.

the demon grins before bowing, still her eyes on him "correct, my lord" her eyes flashed white before turning back into her e/c eyes, her teeth flatten into human teeth instead of her pointy teeth "what shall be my name, my lord?"

vincent looks at a photo that hung on the showed him and a female that stood by him, his deceased sister"y/n l/n" he states, the demon smiled, friendlier, fit for a babysitter.

"now shall we talk about the details, my lord?there are many things to go over before we can...continue" she snaps her fingers and a chair pushed towards vincent, making me fall on top of it.the demon, y/n walked behind him her hands on his shoulders."you can get three things from me, think of it as...three wishes"

Peculiar demon//Sebastian Michaelis x demon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now