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"so i was right, there is something worse then a thunderstorm" i state, my eyes on s/n.she leaned on a tree, her body held in a small tight dress. her body leaned on a tree that showed off her body shape.her hair blew in the wind, she held a smirk on her face."what's your business of being here?" i ask

she pushes herself off the tree."ah y/n that suit doesn't fit you at all, you would be much better in a dress!" she complains, her arm pushing her off the tree."i order you to change" she mocks, i raise a brow.

"what's the meaning of that?" a small laugh escaped my lips "order me?" regaining posture, i remain calm.

"soon you won't be laughing and you will actually listen to me" she rolls her eyes.

"yeah right" i hand dug in my tailcoat pocket, pulling out my pocketwatch."please hurry up, my young master will be calling for me soon" i sigh

"you really care about that brat?" she questions, unable to believe my situation.

"watch what you say about my master" i narrow my eyes."it would be a shame if i were to kill you just because you bad-mouthed my master" she groans under her breath.

"why do you even bother with the kid?you may have served his father but you ate his soul it doesn't mean you have to follow his last order anymore.besides the brat already has a demon already" i tilt my head up, watching as the clouds slowly crept in, covering the night sky.

"that's none of your business" i turn my head towards her again."now hurry up and move along, i already have a demon on me."

"your really petty, me and you are both gods-powerful gods-gods of chaos!" she yells.i didn't like where this was going, it seems like she is trying to brid me.

"i really hope your know your information, your the god of chaos i am not" i corrected her error

"do you really believe your the god of peace?if you really were then how come your a demon?wouldn't you be an angel?wouldn't your aura be able to sting demons?" she questions."your really believing a false lie-i mean demon of peace?really!you killed millions of angels by now!" i narrow my eyes.

"there are just somethings some wouldn't understand--are you done yet?" i cross my arms."and who said i was killing angels?" she only starts laughing.

"you think i don't understand? you don't even know what would happen once you reverse the dreadful curse that angel put you in?you are trying to find the angel who made you this way, would you even be the same demon you are right now?!" small droplets of water began to rain down from the skies.the water slowly soaked my hair and clothing."gah!my dress and hair!" s/n cries out, hiding underneath a tree.

"that's none of your problem-"

"you don't even know the answer yourself!now get in inside the mansion, my makeup will get ruined!" she yells.i laugh

"yeah right, like i would let a stranger inside the manor without the permission of my young master" a thunder clapped right after my words.

"i'm your older sister!" i scoff

"yeah right" i turn my head towards ciel's bedroom window.the thunder and lightening repeatly lighting up his window.

"y/n" i could hear him call out."i order for your presence!" i chuckled.

"knew it" i turn my head towards s/n "now leave, i am needed" i turn around and began walking towards the manor.

"you're just spoiling a brat!your idiot!and once you break the curse, you'll leave him in bitter sadness!like a mother abandoning her child!" i ignore her yells, entering inside, closing the door behind me.

"and your an idiot" i if i would do that to ciel.i walked up the staircase, my feet echoed the halls as i walked towards ciel's bedroom.knocking on the door

"come in" i hear faintly. opening the door, i smiled

"you called?" ciel lay on his bed, his body snuggled under the blanket, trying to hide from the thunderclaps.i walk over and sat on his bed."i guess your still scared of thunder" i smiled, patting his back.

"shut up" he mutters, his head poping out from the blanket.i smiled

"but it's cute, i hope sebastian won't be mind me spoiling his meal" there is now way i would leave ciel, right?


"undertaker?" i called out, my head peeking into the eyes scanned around the room "adrian?' i called out, opening the door wider for me to enter inside.

"over here dear" undertaker peeked his head out from the back room.

"hey adrian" i smiled.

"ah y/n, i didn't think you would come, sit--sit!" he grins before poping his head back in the room.i sat down on a coffin 

"adrian when will you get actual chairs? i don't want to sit on a healing body" the room went silent.

"ah you found out" he finally says, his voice breaking the slience.

"of course, i know his presence, i lived with him since birth" i chuckle."but i won't tell ciel, but right now-there is just something i need to know about the dreadful curse that angel put me under" poping out, he held a small bowl of buscuts in hand.he walked over and leaned on his counter.

"ah the 'curse'-you still didn't break it?but before that you got to pay" he grins, waiting for his payment, his fingers grabbing a cookie shape bone from the bowl."but are you sure you want to break it?" he questions, before taking a bite of it.

"you know i don't got good jokes besides isn't a old friend visit enough for payment unless you want more dead bodies" he pause, he taps the cookie against his cheek

"fine i'll get what i can. back to the curse you call it, you didn't break it yet?"

"no, it's annoying how i feel pity and all these human's annoying"

"of course it is.a demon isn't supposed to feel human emotions so it's strange to them.but it's the most important thing that makes a human-human." he says, chewing on the bone.pausing to swallow, he pulls out another bone."i already told you, to break have to kill the angel, it seems you been a bit busy too." i look away

"sorry" he eyes move back towards him, unsure by what he meant.but yet he caught my attention.

"it's interesting in what's inside angels bodies-but you don't know what would happen if you were to break the curse" i sat eyes on him, confused by what he meant."if you were to return back to being a full demon..." he pauses.he held his grin, i can feel his eyes on me, waiting for my reaction.

"then what would happen...?" i ask

"you won't feel human emotions such as pity, anger, annoyed, anything, wouldn't that make you no feel pity for failing the kid and your previous master-you would go back to being a demon"

"in short-"

"don't intrupt me-you would leave the kid in short or eat him for your self greed"

Peculiar demon//Sebastian Michaelis x demon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now