good hands

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"internal organ, of course. don't you think that the eternally sleeping 'guests' that lay in coffins are cute?" undertaker wipes one of his statues with his long sleeves."my hobby is to take out organs for research" everyone's faces went pale, even grell's.such a good actor, isn't he?

i look down at a coffin that ciel sat on.a small presence i felt, i look at undertaker.he didn't look at me, but he knew what i was thinking, her let out a crackle but chose to ignore."that prostitute isn't a whole women anymore.because her womb is gone" his words caught everyone's attention. my suspicion went to grell, is he jack the riper?"recently these 'guests'  have been rapidly increasing.their whole body dripping with blood, it's made me very busy" undertaker says.

"let's just say there aren't many people out on the streets at night but accurately rarely cutting out certain organs couldn't be done by a normal person, right?" sebastian questions

"the butler understands well, i too feel the same" undertaker leans on the table.pushing himself off, he walks over to me, his hand on my shoulder."if he had act within a short time, he should slit the throat first.and proceed to cut the stomach open, it's easier" his nail slid over my stomach, where my womb should be.his arm wrapped around my waist to keep me close.his voice went mute to me, my eyes wander to the coffin ciel sat on."but please do keep my dear y/n safe, i would hate to see her injured in your hands" undertaker says, snapping me out of my haze.

"i won't allow her to get harmed no matter what" ciel declares "of course she shouldn't be on this jack's list" undertaker only smiled.

"she...shouldn't" undertaker smiles "right y/n?" his long nail slid down my cheek."unless she has some kind of business with him" his nail slid down to my neck, tickling my skin.

"of course not unnie" i smiled, i reach to touch his a second my hand was grabbed, and i was pulled out from undertaker's body made contact with Sebastian's.i tilt my head up at sebastian, who held a nasty glare on Undertaker.ciel had his arms crossed and a pale look on his face.

"understood" sebastian says coldly.

"hehe, i see y/n is in good hands" undertaker chuckles.i attempted to get away from the butler, but he kept his grip on me, keeping me against his body.i chose not to say anything since they both looked pissed off expect ciel, he was more bothered.

"let's go, sorry for intruding" ciel sighs, getting up.

"have a good day young lord" undertaker laughs, waving his hand.


i look on the dress and wig that i held in my arms.i look at sebastian pulling on the corset strings, making ciel groan and moan in pain."stop!this bloody thing will kill me!" he cries out

"i'm sure you won't die, hardly believe someone died from a corset" sebastian states, pulling tighter.hearing a faint knock, i set the clothing on the bed and walked over and opened the door.

"hello madam red, grell" i smile at them both.

"ah y/n! right on time, just the girl i wanted to see!" i raised a brow, i point at myself 

"me?" i ask,

"yes-" she was cut off by another groan by ciel "what on earth is he doing?" she questions, peeking in

"don't worry he's fine, what were you saying?" i ask

"oh, i was saying that i had the perfect dress for you, we need to get you dressed for the ball!" she says excitedly


"we don't have much time, come on!" she grabs my hand and pulls me along behind her.another spoiled noble.


i close my eyes as madam red does my makeup, my hand pulled on the gloves to cover up the marks, so happy she chose the long gloves.she dress she chose, she says it's one of her favorites.a red dress, kinda poofy, but less tight like the dress lizzie stuffed me eyes went over to grell who kept his mouth closed, as he fixes my hair.

madam red turned around to pick another color "i wonder if purple will fit?" she mumbles.i tilt my head up to look at grell.his brown eyes looking down at me, i touch his cheek 

"trying to hide your teeth?" i ask in a whisper."smile" i pull his lip down to reveal his sharp teeth he hid away."i didn't know you got that excited by dressing me up" i chuckle, patting his cheek.

"of course i would, you never loved nor wore dresses"


i walk into the manor along with ciel and sebastian.for a split second i felt something strange  grew in my gut, strange.ciel wore a pink dress with fake ponytails, he looks like a girl, so cute.sebastian's hair was pushed back and wore glasses, just glasses."and why do i have to act like your niece!" ciel complains

madam red pats his head "because i always wanted a niece" she leans to his level "you don't want them to know your a phantomhive, do you?besides, i've heard that lord Druitt has an eye for any pretty thing in a skirt, you and y/n have that advantage and we do want to catch his eye, right?" ciel only crossed his arms.

"First thing's first, we need to locate this murderous viscount," Sebastian says looking i was looking, i felt a burning sensation on the back of my hand where the mark was, the mark that showed me and her were both eyes roamed around

"don't tell me" i muttered

"is everything alright, lady y/n?" i nod my head

i look at the back of my hand to see the mark burning through the fabric.the mark that me and her shared, it glowed to reveal it, expose to others."y/n why is your glove wiethering away?" ciel asks looking at my hand.i pull my hand away from him

 "no reason i just-"then i saw her. my hand went into a fist as my eye twitches as i watched her enter with my ex.her long black hair in a fancy hairstyle and her black eyes looking around.her arm was linked with my ex, the noble i once dated.she knows i am near because the burning sensation."i'll see where druitt is..."i start but then her eyes land on me, i saw her smirk, her eyes tilting upwards, a nasty expression she showed.

"my lady, what is the matter?"Sebastian asks 

"nothing to worry about"i smiled before walking away into the crowd to find our villian

Peculiar demon//Sebastian Michaelis x demon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now