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i stared at myself in the full body demon qualities finally returned, it sucked being human for the past two years.i look at my arm, it had markings from my fingers to my shoulder(like undertaker's mark on his face it's just on her arm), my teeth able to sharpen, my black nails returned back, my eyes glowed white hair dyed (either your favorite color or your hair color) i grinned, i finally was able to smell one of the twin's scent but, someone else, a taint.

narrowing my eyes, because i failed to keep the twins safe, it effected me.i was ordered to keep them safe but i failed, it effected me by my demon senses weakening a bit but with the stab of the angel sword, it made it so i was human.i grab a white button up and black pants, my old uniform. slipping on my black coat i headed out my little home."i'm coming"


my ponytail blew in the wind as i walked down the street.the small piece of hair that was left out from the ponytail, covered one of my eyes due to the wind.i pull on my gloves to cover my demon mark and the tattoo i was born with.soon the view of the manor came into view, despite my injury, i rebuilded the manor in case the twins came back,  i visited the manor everyday to see if they did.but i stopped doing so when i was the gravestones of the family, i always had hope they lived and now, now i know one of them is still alive.

i stare at the manor, just like how i left it.i walk to the door and knocked on the big door. i stood straight, waiting for the door to open.the door opens to reveal a man a little taller then me, a demon."hello but please forgive me, my master isn't expecting anyone today" he says, his red eyes on me.i grinned

"i'm sure he wants to see me" 

"ho ho ho" i look down to see a chibi version of Tanaka, no is this really him

"Tanaka?" a small cloud appeared around him, he was taller, just like how i last saw him.

"ah y/n, it's good to see your still alive" he smiles."let her in sebastian, she is a very special guest" this butler only looks confused but he obeys.opening the door wider for me to enter inside."i'll go get the young master" tanaka says before walking away.i look at the butler, before looking away.i noticed three other servants peeking at me from the corner.

"hello" i smile at them.they looked at each other before walking towards me.

"she looks familar," the tall male says.

"hello pretty lady!i'm finnan but call me finny" the young male smiles at me.

"pretty lady indeed, yes yes.i'm mey-rin"the female smiles.

"Baldroy, " the tall male says

"i'm y/n, a former servant here" i bow

"former servant?!"

my eyes darted towards the staircase, i can scent his presence coming closer." whats the-" i turn my head towards the eyes landed on the young master, his blue hair mixed with the parting him and his brother would have. making it a bit harder to tell which is of his eye, covered by a eyepatch."y/n?" i smile at him before bowing

"hello young master, it's good to see you again" i stood back up, he walks down the stairs silently

"master who is this young lady?" he only ignores the demon, coming closer towards me.on his way, he drops his wooden cane.but he stopped, refusing to look at me 

"y/n, come with me" he turns around, picking up his cane he walks back up the stairs."alone" i walk up the stairs, following him to his study.i close the door behind me, right away i was tackle to the ground by him."you-you!" he couldn't make out his words.he sat on my stomach, his hands gripping on my coat, his head on my chest."damn you!" he snaps."your supposed to be dead!why now!?" he snaps, i only stared at the ceiling.i lift my hand and rest it on his head.

"i survived"  he lifts his head and looks at me.his big blue eye on me, so familiar and yet i can't tell which twin he is.

"why in the bloody hell do you look fine?!you were wounded! you died in front of me!" i smiled, ah now i know who he twin he is.

"if you really want to know, pull my gloves off" he paused before pulling them both off, revealing my black nails and my birthmark on one hand, but the jacket covered most of it."since you signed a contract with a demon already, i'm sure your familiar with black nails on someone who is supposed to be dead and this" his eye widen when my contract mark glowed."i'm not human" i sat up, he didn't move.i tilt my head "i was sure you would push me away-" catching me off guard, his arms wrap around my neck.he face buried in my neck

"then why did you leave me alone? why didn't you save me" i wrap my arms around him.

"i tried, but my demon senses were cut off when i was stabbed.the killer wasn't human it was a angel.i couldn't find you, not too long ago i returned back to a demon"  i look around the office, ah familiar place, but such a ruined place.a place where my heat began, and it effect most butlers and Vincent, ah such memories.such dirty memories."why don't you sit on your chair, i'm sure i'm not a comfortable chair to sit on"



"no, i'm staying here" i sigh with a small smile.

"your father summoned me when you and your brother ciel-"

"he's dead" i look at his blue hair, he refuses to look at me "i'm ciel phantomhive now" he moves his head up towards me.

"yes...before you were born i signed a contract with your father.but when everyone was killed, i ate his soul because he ordered me to.i can't remember much because my demon senses were weak at the time but i did try to find you, but how can i when my senses acted like human?but at least before i turned fully human i was able to rebuild the manor" i look at...ciel."you much have went through so much, i apologize, please forgive me" i close my eyes.

"for me to forgive you, you shall work here again" i look at him

"then whose soul shall you give to me in return?"



i stood in front of ciel and his butler"y/n this is sebastian" a small grin appeared on my face

"did you name him after your deceased pet?" i ask, he nod his head" at least you were named by a Nobel pet trying to protect ciel" i look at him "pardon, my young master"

"it's fine if you call me by my name" i bow

"yes, ciel" i look at the demon "ciel proposed that i shall share his soul with you for me to work under him again"

"that's impossible, no demon is that strong to do so" i grinned again

"what if i said i am that strong?"

"impossible, female demons are rare's rare for them to be stronger then males" i tilt my head to the side.

"what should i do?eat what's inside your vessel?" i ask with a crazed look."i don't really fawn demon but if it'll prove it then sure" i eye flashed pink and the other flashed white "demons only have pink eyes, what would it mean if i can make my white?"

"i see i underestimated you" i smiled

"good, males should know their place when against females"

Peculiar demon//Sebastian Michaelis x demon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now