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after being reunited with my master we also went to meet up with Ash who already happen to bring the demon hound along. i crouched down and sat on the edge of the high building watching everything crumble down. i stayed silent as they both chatted very loudly.

"before i forget, we have a guest who is joining us this eventful night" Ash spoke as the clicking sound of shoes grew closer to us. i turned my head and saw the butler. to my disbelief, this bastard's reason for not being with his master is because he with ash?

i open my mouth to speak but s/n noticed, glaring at me. i shut my mouth, her orders were clear.'don't speak to him, hate him for not noticing how you became distant from your previous master.hate him for letting you work for me'

i bit down on my lip, as i glared at him. he kept a still face with anger in his expression. i turned around " you want a irresponsible butler to join us? what if he betray us as well as his master?" i spoke coldly, watching the fires slowly burning everything down.

"ah y/n stop being such a party pooper" s/n sigh "don't be angry that your spouse is willing to give up his meal to be with us" i turned to face s/n, glaring at her

"we're not together, we never were." i growled, turning back forward. "i would have thought you matured but you always prove to me that you never will" i mumbled.

"nevermind y/n. she must be in a hissy fit because she's still human" ash spoke, grabbing sebastian attention." what do you think of it, Sebastian?" there was a short silence.

" comparing it to the great fire in 1696, i would say this is very slow" he spoke, i chuckled at his retort

"it'll be no fun if it was sped up. you watch people run for their lives, screaming in pain or in fear. it reminds you of how much of a powerful bastard you are" i answered, turning around. he stared at me, not believing my words

"Since when did you enjoyed such things" he asked,

"you don't know me well, Michaelis" i answered with a glare

"it is true, it's very slow, but filth takes time to burn" Ash says "it will all be cleansed. And as for their punishment, we'll bring darkness to the world... now that your here, i guess you can too" ash spoke as me and s/n hummed in response.i

"yes, yes. death and fire before enternal darkness. i think we got that' i mumbled, kicking my feet around, feeling the heat radiating to us.

my eyes followed my prevouis master as he runs away. i grit my teeth, undertaker was supposed to keep him on the boat. i ached to get up and grab the kid to put him back on the boat, but of course s/n would order me not to "If you look closely, all things are two sides of the same coin. All contain both the clean goodness of the mind and evil darkness that plagues out hearts." Ash says as before pointing at me. "but amy here is both, the dark and bright, very strong she is, indeed.she is like a god" i grimace at his words.

"but of course that power will be used to rule" s/n says before strutting over to sebastian."Sebastian, can choose who you can be with" s/n dragged

"i mistakening you for the demon of seduction, or i suppose you ate the demon of seduction and somehow got that title" spoke barely, turning to her. "because then we both would be demons of seduction but since i'm not, you aren't either. ou really do practice well" i smirked.

s/n glared at me "you shouldn't speak to your master like that, dog" she spotted, i only hummed

"of course, oh please do forgive me my dear beloved master. oh pity a dog like me would do you harm"

rolling her eyes, she turned back to Sebastian" you can choose between me or ash." s/n spoke, her fingers trailing lines on his shoulder."ash here is a male unless he swings differently" Sebastian says looking at the two. i stood up from my seat.

"yeah, i recall something in the holy bible that it's a sin to swing that way, ash" i spoke bitterly with a smile. "but Sebastian, there seems to be a detail you're missing" Ash begun unbuttoning his coat and shirt."really? don't you have any shame?" i turned my head away.

"i can come as a women" Ash's deep voice merged with a femine voice, Angela's. "So who do you choose"ash/Angela says. i held up my hand, slowly folding my fingers, counting down the second.

"" i turned then Sebastian was gone.

Peculiar demon//Sebastian Michaelis x demon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now