battered wings

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y/n found herself buried in black feathers as she held the angel by the neck. the feather surrounded herself along with the butler. at the last minute she charged in, she had to be the one who would end his life to be able to break the curse. she thought about using the sword, but she didn't want to risk revealing her weapon to s/n.


"listen here" y/n stared at the white glowing ball that floated in front of her. beautiful white feathers flown down to the ground, the entire thing glowed brightly in the dark of the night. almost acted like a candle. " here is my favor to you" it whispered. in the night, the wind blown, thankful it wouldn't mess the summon circle y/n had created on the ground. still she pondered how she'll rid of it since Sebastian surely would find it on the phantomhive property. more less, she worried if s/n would find out.

"yes, of course. but you should hurry, angels tend to think being around demons would taint them. i would hate to taint such a soul" y/n rolled her eyes.

"angels like to think they are above all and demons aren't. simple as that, but surely i won't be taken lightly for this. but then again, you are cursed--i'm only helping's a fair deal. i give you something to help with both of our cases." it's whispered."i'm leaping on faith for you--hold our your hands" y/n listened to the orb. in her hands, a light appeared then there it appeared in her hands. it's wasn't too heavy nor too light, the blade long and sharp, beautiful it was.

"faith--i never understood it. it's simply only courage." she mumbled, busy admiring the blade. with one hand she held the sword--the flaming sword in her hands...although "for naming the sword, 'the flaming sword' it's surely lacking the fire" y/n says, her eyes moving the the angel in front.

"the flaming sword can only be lit by Lucifer Morningstar himself, which i cannot provide help with. father created it so Lucifer would be the only one the light it, unless you figure out how to light it yourself. which again i cannot provide help since i never had a occurrence with this"

y/n nodded her head "how do i make it...disappear?" the orb grew closer, then again it disappeared.

"you can summon it anything needed with the words i will give you. to rid of it, simply repeat those words. i will print it on your very skin, because you aren't like other demons, it won't harm you. but remember my end of the bargain--get rid of the fallen angel like i asked and you shall use that sword as you please" y/n smirked.

"of course, hopefully you father won't make you a fallen angel" y/n said as she rolled up sleeve

"no- not there" y/n looked at the orb confusedly, her eyebrows pressed together."it's imprinted on the torso" y/n's confused expression disappeared.

"well, this is the most skin you'll ever see with your virgin eyes" she mumbled, unbuttoning her shirt, in seconds she felt the burning sensation on her stomach. which thankfully lasted for less then a minute.

"it's completed, i shall return back home to my father now. i wish you luck, whatever you do, don't let it in human hands it will only cause destruction and chaos, which is what you are preventing."

"yeah yeah" y/n nodded her head before buttoning her shirt again."good night" she said before her wiping her hand on the grass, smearing the summoning circle, then the orb was gone only leaving behind the feather. although y/n would never admit it out loud, she feared for future.


the butler's figure was horrifying sight but y/n wasn't any different. his pink eyes watched silently, he knew what y/n had to do. y/n had started tearing his wings, his beautiful white feathers stained in his blood. her fingers digging in the back of the angel, making sure to the entire wings were ripped off.

the angel let out blood curling screams that made anyone's blood go cold, even y/n herself. it only was scaring because she finally found the angel--which is the angel she grew up with, became friends with. it seems she only heard his screams, the blood splattering and the bones snapping out of place. this wasn't the first so, why?why is she so conflicted?

the angel never saw y/n or s/n's real form so the sight was terrifying for the angel. the angel deemed weak, unable to fight back, he felt betrayed that they two demons went against him. although deep inside he knew this would happen, he just...ignored it and thought it wouldn't happen. both he and y/n knew that, which also made it harder for her.

unknowingly, an unbalanced shake knocked the boy, falling to the edge. his small body easily slide off, only one hand gripping on the edge, he grunted feeling the wound in his side tearing larger. more blood leaked out from his clothes, feeling all of his weight on his hand along with the shaking made it harder to hold on. despite the pain, he refused to open his eyes, yes he seen ugly. but seeing their true forms, he believed he wasn't ready, surely it would haunt him.

barely words were spoken, to y/n time felt slow. well, any words spoke went deaf to y/n. it felt as if time slowed just to torture her. her stomach was twisting around as her heart thumped rapidly. she felt the heavy weight growing inside as her insides felt full and wanted to explode. for the first time she felt like crying.

black and white feather merged together as Sebastian started counting backwards. his loud echoing voice booming, almost too loud for y/n's ears. once his wings were removed, she begun to tear at his body. y/n held a blank expression, but her eyes were too wide and pupils to small. her lips never moved, it stayed in a stiff line as she listened to the angel resorting to screaming 'filthy' repeatedly.

y/n sucked in a breath "ONE!" she screamed unlike Sebastian who didn't scream. a blue wave pushed outward then a white ball grew large. y/n stayed in place, as it all weighted her down. in the background the lost souls groaning loudly and the water splashing dangerously. her eyes lost it's shine, her breathing raggedly, her body trembled, she just sat there , the light disappeared then she was left in darkness as before. there was no body, blood , bones nor the angel's feathers. it was all gone. as if he never existed.

Sebastian's form turned back to the dreamy human form he took. still his arm was missing, he decided it was best to leave y/n alone, completely forgetting about s/n. they were no where near done. when he turned to his master, s/n stood over him. she held his arm, dangling him over the edge. "let me go!" the boy fought, she only grinned devilishly, Sebastian charged, his eyes pink and his body turning to black mist.

easily like a fly, s/n swatted him, sending him flying. he forgotten the large gap at strength, didn't make it better he was injured. "i should have killed you long ago" s/n snarled, before dropping him into the deep waters for him to drown.

the boy's cry as he felt the push of gravity pushing him down. the wind becoming cold to his skin and with sound in his ears. the cry stopped as he cannoned into the water, with the amount of force knocked out his breath, feeling pain on his back. the sound knocked y/n back from her death stare.

without hesitation, she spun around then charging at s/n. y/n gripped on s/n's arm, twisting it off then with force the arm came off her body. y/n repeating after, slapping her with brutal force that forced her to the opposite side. she tossed the arm then dived in after without a second thought.

y/n's face felt as if she face planted into cement as she did not dive down gracefully as she would. forcing her eyes open as she spotted the sinking boy that dyed the water red around him. she reached out, her arms wrapped around him. she felt his warm body on hers, feeling at peace knowing he is now safe. she swam up, trying to enjoy every second as now she was being timed, barely any time left. time--time, she just wanted time. because once time is up, she would no longer be able to return back to life like how it was before.

i'm sorry, n̴̯̟͕̰͖̟̾̓̎̏͌o̵̩̣̙͇̮͕̽̈́̿͛͝t̸̡̺̰͙̪͎̰̓̃͌̆̑̒͌̉̀͗͛̕͠ ̸̧̜̜̱͇̫̹̻͙́͌́̃̽̅͛͊͗͗̇̒̕͝͠ĉ̶̢̭̱̹̟̠͚̘̬̯͚̰̰̭̹̰̄͒̅ͅi̷̡̡̨̛̤̬͎̪̯̥̲͛͑̃̂̃̑͋̀̋̀̄e̴̛̯͚͓̻̗̗͇̘̳̤̎̉̅̈́́̀͒̅͊̓̾́̕ͅl̴͓͑́̑̕

Peculiar demon//Sebastian Michaelis x demon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now