Chapter 9

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Kally's P.O.V

Since I've been fired from my job I really had no motivation to do anything. Basically stayed home all day until I had to go my classes. Then I went straight back home in Dylan's car since it's the only I have of him.

It was eleven fifty-six in the morning. Today I was going to stay home but Luther wanted to take me out for coffee to talk about what happened. I declined and just told him over the phone, I really wasn't in the mood to go out.

Today was a nice day, well it wasn't sunny or anything but it was breezy and cloudy. When I'm sad it's a good day for me. So no one could say; "Hey! Rise and shine be happy the sun is bright!"

Nothing else mattered right now. I was waiting for the check that my prick of a boss was going to send me but I haven't received it yet. I need to pay for more classes or they will kick me out. Maybe I should go to my old office and ask for my check-in person. Yeah right, I've been probably banned after what I did to his office and sticking the finger at him.

I guess since I've been home all day I'll go to school and do some classes today since I have a lot to do tomorrow. This better be one school I get transferred to-to teach. I would like to teach juniors in high school. Now I hated high school but maybe this will be a better high school then I went to. It will be different because I'm a teacher so I can tell the kids what to do and hand out detentions. And the ones that actually want to learn can stay.

I get dressed and brush my hair down. I slip on some shoes then grab my purse and head downstairs to my car. After I locked my front door I head in my car and drive off. I decide not to take Dylan's car since I've been driving it all day yesterday.


I walk inside the school and head to the library. I look over the textbook that soon to be teachers use to practice teaching students about each section.

I think it will be a little challenging remembering all this but teachers teach for years and years so this information basically can never leave their brain.

Finishing my work I look up at the clock and it's already one. Sheesh, time passes fast when you're focused. I gather my things and give the textbook back to the woman at the front desk. As I'm heading out I stop as my stomach growls. I hold my stomach as a wave of nausea hits as I forgot to eat breakfast. How do I always forget to eat breakfast?

"Hey, you don't look so good?" A familiar voice says walking up to me.

I look up slowly and stop holding my stomach.

"What's it to you?" I say and walk past him.

"Kally, stop." He says turning around my way, "I'm assuming you're hungry and didn't eat breakfast because when we were together you never remembered to eat breakfast so, let me take you out to eat." Tommy says speaking with his hands.

I turn around toward folding my arms. "Why would I do that when I can go home and make breakfast and not have to pay for it?" I snarl at him. He still doesn't realize I don't like him at all, he broke my heart and now he's better? Why couldn't he get better for me? For us. I mean I know it's hard but I was helping him but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Please, just, I want to talk. And I wouldn't make you pay, come on let's go."


I order eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice. Tommy just orders a coffee.

"Seriously you're not going to eat?" I asked with my mouth full of pancakes.

He chuckled, "No, no I ate this morning." He said smiling.

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