Chapter 34

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Jamie's P.O.V

I glue the picture to my crappy poster board as I'm on the bus on the way to school. The bus driver turns causing my project to fall and the glue spill all over it.

My jaw falls open, "Mother-" I stop not finishing my sentence. I pick it up before the glue goes all over the floor. There was no way I could hand this in. It looked like a fifth-grader made this. My stomach turned when it looked like I would fail and have to repeat junior year.

Although a devious smile crept upon my face as I had a vicious plan rolled up my sleeve. If that didn't work then I was screwed. But I knew it would work, Ms. Bakers' put herself out there yesterday it wasn't a hard thought to use it against her. For all, I know she'll give me an A just so I'll shut up.

The bus stopped in front of the school. Kids walked off I crumbled the cardboard as much as I could. When I made it to the front I threw out my project in the trash can.

"Hey, kid you can't throw that big of a thing in here." The bus driver spoke to me.

I smirked walking off the bus, "I just did." I shouted back at him not turning around.

When I walked in the school kids we're: laughing, talking, making out, some just waiting quietly for the bell to ring. My eyes scanned the halls looking for Lauren. I went to her party Wednesday or was that Tuesday? Fuck knows. I just remember going there and seeing that guy Chad and Ms. Bakers' in the room alone till she stormed out leaving Lauren's uncle alone and confused. I also remember him saying goodbye to Lauren mentioning he had to see Ms. Bakers' to make sure she was okay. I just had to clear things up with Lauren to make sure my plan would work.

I spotted her with a book under her nose leaning against a locker. I walked up to her bringing a smile to my face. "Hey, Lauren. Great party the other day." I mentioned my hand leaning over her on the locker. She looks up her cheeks turning red.

"Oh, thanks, Jamie." She mutters under her breath. I can tell she's really shy as she's fidgeting at how close I am.

"Lots of people were there. Even Ms. Bakers." I pointed out with a confused look.

"Oh, yeah she's like the best teacher ever. She's super nice." She smiles pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Hmm... So do you know who her partner is? Like dating wise."

She looks lost, "What?"

"I'm not trying to sound like a creep." I force a laugh, "I just want to know." I tell her hoping she'll budge.

"Oh. all right. Her partner is Dylan O'Brien."

My head moves back, I wasn't expecting that. "Dyl- Dylan O'Brien as in the famous actor?" I scoff.

She nods her head.

"So your uncle Chad and Ms. Bakers' aren't dating?" I asked.

"No? They're just really good friends." The bell rings and she looks up. "I have to get to class." She moves away from me walking down the hall.

Things were about to get interesting. If Lauren thought her uncle and Ms. Bakers' were just friends, she had another thing coming. I bet even Dylan can see it. My plan was going in motion.


Ms. Bakers' sat down collecting the projects. She mentioned no one had to present because she wasn't feeling well. I wonder why...

She handed out a crossword puzzle for the rest of the period. I worked alone so no one could screw up my plan. I wasn't going to out her out in front of the whole class. I was waiting for it to be just her and me. She sat there staring at the paperwork in front of her tapping her fingers.

Ms. Bakers' was in complete distraught. I could sense I was looking at her for too long so I looked down before she pointed out I didn't hand her a project. I'm actually surprised her bitch side didn't yell at me yet for that.

"Hey, did you find this word?" My buddy Eli asked me nudging me in the elbow disrupting my thoughts.

I looked down at my paper realizing I hadn't even got started. "No, I ain't doing this." I let out.

Eli scoffed, "Ms. Bakers' was right. You're not going to make it to senior year." He mumbled reaching away from me looking back at his paper.

My nostrils flared, now even my pal doesn't think I'm gonna make it to senior year. I was really going to have to destroy Ms. Bakers' or else she would win.

The bell rung and everyone picked up their stuff to leave. I put my backpack on the desk gathering my things. Here goes nothing. Ms. Bakers' shut the door when everyone left until I was the only one left with her. I liked the sound of that.

She stood crossing her arms over her chest standing with her left hip out, "I noticed you didn't hand me a project. Can you tell me why?" She asked no sympathy in her tone.

I flung my backpack over my shoulders resting it on my back. I held onto the straps of my book bag then shrugged my shoulders. "I think I needed more time."

"Everyone had the same amount of time as you and finished it, now what does that show you?" She asked her eyes squinting.

A smirk appeared on my lips. She was about to get a taste of her own medicine. "Why don't you tell me? How does it make you feel to sneak around your boyfriend's back?" I knew I grabbed her attention because her face fell.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

I nodded my head in laughter, "Oh but you do... All too well. I saw you and Lauren's uncle at her party. Alone..." She hadn't said anything. Maybe she thinks I'm bluffing or she's just going to deny it when I'm finished. "Then I heard him say to his niece he had to leave her to go see you?" I had a puzzled look pointing my finger to her. "Now, you and I both know it wasn't to comfort you." I chuckle, "you and him wanting to feel each other's naked bodies pressed against each other behind poor Dylan's back." I paused to look her up and down admiring her body. "Hell, if I was a few years older I'd hit that too... You are rather sexy I have to admit."

"Stop it." She hissed her arms falling to her side as her hands clenched to fists.

"And the way you said yesterday "You and I are nothing" to Lauren's uncle seemed like such a big fucking lie..." I shook my head lightly, "But what I'm here to say is, I know your dirty little secret. And if you give me more time on the project or just give me an A Dylan won't know a thing." I explain to her moving closer.

She lets out a laugh, "Yeah, okay. You don't know Dylan. Just give up now child." She mentioned pushing her short dark hair past her shoulders.

"Oh but I have my ways... Don't you already see it? I know everything. And if I were you... I'd stop seeing one of your favorite students' uncle while you're already taken. You must love the way he feels inside you but it has to stop. You and I both know it." With that, I walk to the door my hand holding onto the doorknob. I turn my head to her with a smirk. "I'll give you the weekend to change my grade to an A or Dylan's going to know every little thing you're not telling him. Goodbye Ms. Bakers." I walk out of her classroom closing the door behind me. Everything worked out just the way I wanted. And I know she wouldn't keep Chad out of her life it would just be too hard for her, but I know Dylan will be heated when he gets the call from me. I don't know how I'm going to do it but I will. That's if Ms. Bakers' doesn't change my grade. But hey even if she does why shouldn't I tell Dylan? She makes my life hell so why shouldn't I make hers? It was only a matter of time this was all going to blowback at her and she was going to lose Dylan forever.

A/N: I loved writing Jamie's pov!!! Remember to vote and comment!!

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