Chapter 29

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Kally's P.O.V

Tuesday is a half-day in which the students worked on their project the whole period. Lucky me I didn't have period four where my worst student Jamie was.

Things were still weird between Dylan and I. Suddenly he began texting me in one-word answers; even sent "I love you" as "ily" as if he didn't want to send the whole thing if he didn't mean it. The whole denial thing still ate at me. His mind must be going a mile an hour with terrible thoughts.

The day was pretty much over as the last bell rung. Kids gathered their things exiting the class some waiting for their friends. I gathered my things as well waiting for the students to exit. Suddenly, I had the room to myself, I let out a huff and puff exiting the classroom. I opened the front doors exiting the building walking to my car.

The school's parking lot wasn't very far which was good. I wasn't much for walking when I finished a day of working because of my heels. My feet always were sore by the end of the day. My head facing the ground holding my purse on my right arm thrown over my shoulder I see men's shoes by my driver's door. Their not Dylan's, Dylan only wears Adidas and his dark brown dress shoes. When I look up my eyes meet with Chad Laker.

My arms crossed over my chest as I stood with one bent knee and my hip poking out. He is not that man I wanted to see, I wanted to see my boyfriend even if we weren't on good terms. He stood with his dirty blonde hair falling just above his eyes with his hazel eyes staring back at me. Chad tapped his fingers on my door like they were a pair of drum sticks, his left hand was in the pocket of his blue jeans. He had the smuggest look on his face, I know he wanted to be friends but it seemed he was plotting something bit by bit.

"Hey, Kally. I'm glad to see you." His demeanor changed to a smirk creeping up at the corner of his lips. Maybe it was wrong to keep him in my life.

"Um, hey. I heard it's Lauren's Birthday today, I would've wished her a happy birthday but I only found out at the end of the day." I mentioned motioning to my door hoping he would move out the way.

He didn't move but moved an inch closer, suddenly I moved back keeping distance between us, "Oh, that's okay I was actually hoping you would like to go shopping with me for her party. She invited all of the students in her class because she doesn't really talk to other kids. Her parents are hosting the whole thing but they need an extra hand so only if your willing to help." He shrugged his shoulders tightening his lips together.

I looked down, had he really just planned another alone time together? "Sure, of course. I want the best for Lauren. Let's go-"

He snatched my keys out of my hands, "No worries little lady I'll drive." He waved the keys in my face. It happened so fast it was too late to plead for my keys back. He'd already climbed in the driver's seat starting my car. My shoulders fell as I walked to the passenger door. It was like I was already wrapped around his fingers.

"What store are we going to? Don't tell me party City." I questioned with accusatory turning my head his way.

He let out a laugh, "Then you might be disappointed Kals," my heart skipped a beat at the nickname he just called me. It was too close to Dylan's nickname for me, my heart ached for Dylan and I. This situation wasn't going to make our relationship any better, or worth saving.

He saw noticed I looked upset, Chad cleared his throat. "Is that a nickname Dylan made up?" Chad saying Dylan's name made a knot in my stomach. I didn't want him talking about my boyfriend.

"Uh, yeah. But it's okay if you can just call me by my full name that'd be great." I retorted turning my head away from him to face the window.

"I'm sorry, Kals- Kally." He breathed out, "anyways I was thinking some streamers for the party? What do you think?" He asked turning his head to me.

"Yeah, what's her favorite color?" I asked staring out the window not wanting to look at him.


"Great," was all that managed to come out of my mouth. I shouldn't be here with him before I could say I want him out of my car he stopped at the front of the store. Wow, I was too much in thought I didn't even realize we were here. I sighed then climbed out of the car.

I walked beside Chad keeping a space. It seemed to annoy him because he walked faster than me. It didn't take a genius to know his feelings toward me only grew stronger, even his behavior around me started to change. It was like he was trying to lead me on, I don't want to lie... It was working. But my mind always shot back to Dylan and the feelings drifted away. Chad was tall and buff, his biceps were bigger than my whole face.

Before he caught me staring at his arm muscles I quickly turned to walk over to streamers. "Look purple," I mentioned pointing to the one to the top.

He looked over where my index finger was pointing, "Oh, you're right." He smiled at me reaching over for the purple streamer. I leaned back to give him some space to grab it.

"What else do think she would want at her party?" I turned walking toward the end of the aisle. I felt him following behind me and it sent shivers up my spine.

"She would like to have party hats, what better way to have a party hat?" He grabbed my attention as I looked over my shoulder. Chad stopped holding triangle party hats waving them to me. I little laugh left my throat as I walked over to him.

"How old is she turning three?" I questioned with sass.

He looked at me with amusement, he ripped open the package grabbing one hat. As he adjusted the string to extend he put the hat on me messing up my hair.

"Hey! You messed up my hair!" I playfully shouted moving the hat to where my hair wouldn't be messed up.

He brushed some hair out of my face, his fingers lingered to cup my jaw in his hand, "I think you look lovely," I swallowed hard. His eyes moved from my jaw to my eyes, his eyes telling me he wanted something but couldn't say it out loud.

I backed out of his grip, "Uh," I stuttered taking off the hat, "you should put that back in the bag before they think we're stealing." I pushed the hat to his chest showing him to take it but instead, he put his hand on top of mine.

"I think...."

"Don't," I whispered knowing what he might've wanted to say. I turned taking my hand away from his chest letting the hat fall to the floor. I didn't need his help I could find Lauren stuff for her party myself.

A/N: I hope you loved this chapter! Remember to vote and comment!!

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