Chapter 39

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Dylan's P.O.V

Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Furthermore, the worst night. I couldn't sleep, dream, couldn't forget about her. The fact that she has torn me in so many ways I didn't think possible left me to wonder why I was thinking about her at all. Yes, I still love her; I don't think I'll ever stop.

Kally was the light of my life. But right now we are in the dark. Soon we'd find our way out but till that happens Kally and I have to keep apart. Better yet I hope she learned her lesson and will stop seeing Chad. It's the least I deserve.

Paul called me this morning. He said since we're about done with the movie there's going to be a little party. I would have invited Kally if she wasn't being such a bad girlfriend. That's right, we didn't intentionally break up. I guess we're just in a huge fight, something inside me felt there was going to be a breaking point to where I'll really end our relationship. Until then I hope she dials things down.

I put on a pair of khakis pants; a dark blue button-up shirt along with my brown dress shoes. I fix my hair in the mirror wondering why I'm trying to even look decent. Inside I was a complete wreck. She hasn't bothered to call or text me, I didn't bother either. We need all the space we can get.

I walk out of my house locking the door behind me. I get in the taxi to take me to the airport. This better be one hell of a party... I need to get my mind off of this situation with Kal.


"Dylan, I'm so glad you could make it," Paul mentions walking up to me holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Pleasure to be here, Paul." I shake his hand.

"Enjoy yourself for any snacks. We're wrapped up with the movie so try not to break anything." He jokes before walking off.

That's right, we were about wrapped up with the movie. I have one more scene but that's not important. It's a quick scene just of me behind bars and my dad next to me in the other cell zooming out fading to a black screen. I assume we'll shoot that scene today after the party.

"Hey Dylan," Evan says sitting next to me handing me a beer.

"Sup," I take the beer-drinking it.

"Everything all right with..." He leads on hoping I'd catch what he's putting out.

"No." Is all I manage to say.

He sighs then leans back in his chair, "He's here you know. Just in case you thought he was there with your girl. Maybe he learned his lesson and he'll stop seeing her." Evan says trying to comfort me.

I know he didn't learn shit. There wasn't anything that was going to stop him from seeing Kally. "Yeah. That'll be the day." I mumble under my breath. I take another sip of my beer.

There's music playing people dancing. Everyone is having a fabulous time except me. Since Evan said Chad is here I wonder where he is exactly. I still have a little steam inside me so I can't say if I'll punch him or not.

I chug my beer down then stand to get another one. Suddenly my phone rings. When I fetch it out of my pocket it's her. I look at everyone having a good time. I shouldn't answer and have fun with them but I'm just in no mood. I walk away to be able to hear her away from the music.

I wonder before picking up the call. What the hell could she have to say to me? I press answer then bring the phone to my ear in a sigh.

"Dylan." I hear her voice sending shivers down my spine. I haven't heard her voice since our fight.

"What Kally?" I stumble my words.

She sighs through the other line, "I hate how things turned out between us... I want us to work so, I- there's a school party happening on Wednesday and I'd really like you to come and help out. Then after maybe we can talk." She pauses, "What do you think?"

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