Chapter 1

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Kuroko's P.O.V
I just had another hellish training with the others that was made by our coach,Riko-senpai. "Alright!That's all for today,minna-san.Go take a shower and rest!Tomorrow will be the same.Sayonara!" She said-----shouted.I walked over to our shower room at the court and started taking a shower.I was always the first one who takes a shower.After showering for a few minutes,I dressed up.Just as I was about to go out,I heard voices.Really familiar voices. "Ohayou gozaimasu.We are from Teikou Academy.We transfered here for private reasons and we would like to join the basketball club-nanodayo." Said Midorima Shintarou.If you guys are thinking of how do I know his name,it's because he is one of the Generation of Miracles,the most powerful basketball team and vampires in Japan. "Yeah...We don't even know what Akashi is thinking.Telling us that we'd transfer here so suddenly." Said Aomine Daiki. "Oh cheer up Aominecchi!" "Shut up Kise!You're too damn annoying!" "What did I tell you about cussing,Daiki?" There were snipping sound effects in the background while the others shivered. "Gomenasai for interrupting.We are here to ask your coach if we could join." "Ha-Hai!We'll call her right away." Said Hyuuga-senpai while shakily reaching out for his phone.I decided to step in. "Domo." I said.My teammates all shrieked while the GoM had other reactions.Midorima-kun's glasses cracked,Aomine-kun,Kagami-kun and Kise-kun fainted,Murasakibara-kun dropped his snacks,and Akashi-kun just stood there,eyes and mouth opened.I cleared my throat and they all looked at me except for Hyuuga-senpai because he was calling Riko-senpai and Aomine-kun,Kise-kun and Kagami-kun because they're still knocked out. "Since when were you there?" Asked a stern voice.We all know who that is right?Akashi Seijuurou.Their captain or should I say...leader.I bowed my head as a sign of my respect. "I was here the whole time,Prince Akashi Seijuurou." "No need for formalities.Just call me Sei for short."
Akashi's P.O.V
Huh?!What did I just say?!Why did I even tell him to call me Sei?!What the fuck is wrong with me?! "U-Uhm S-Sei-k-kun,i-is everything o-okay?" "Yeah." I said.He looks so adorable right now.Wait...Nani?!Just as I was about to wake Daiki,Ryouta and Taiga up,a girl with short,brown hair came running in. "Gomenasai!I am Riko Aida the coach of Seirin.Ohayou gozaimasu Prince Akashi Seijuurou!" She said.Why do they even have a girl for a coach?I just shrugged and answered her. "Nice to meet you.If you'll excuse me for a moment,I need to wake those three up." I said,pointing to the three idiots while sighing. "A-Alright." She said then bowed again.I gave her a smile without showing her my teeth.Or should I say...fangs to not scare her away.

Engaged To The Vampire Prince (Vampire AU) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now