Chapter 6

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Akashi's P.O.V
"Answer me truthfully.Do me?Are you willing to marry me even though our parents didn't say so?" I asked him.Please answer me truthfully,Tetsuya. "I love you Akashi Seijuurou-kun and yes." I am so happy with his answer.I mean...come on!Who doesn't get happy when you already got the person you want to spend your life with?I don't know. "So...are we official now?Girlfriend-----er...boyfriend?" He laughed at me.What?Did I say something wrong? "We don't need to be girlfriend or boyfriend anymore Sei.Why?Because we are fiances!Don't tell me you forgot already..." He pouted at me cutely.Ahh!!!I forgot-----no.Just kidding.Why would I forget? "So...can I claim you now?" "You already claimed me." "I'll give you another mark but don't you dare and try cover it." "Alright,alright.Chill."
~Time Skip Morning~
"Ugh!Why do you always have to be so rough?!" "Hahaha!!!You were begging for it.I'm just following your orders." He pouted again.How adorable.He's like a baby.As I was lost in the thought of him being in his neko form,I didn't notice him go out the bed and into our closet. "What are you doing?" "Ahh!!!We're gonna be late!!!" I laugh at him.Doesn't he remember it's Saturday? "Chill,love.It's Saturday.We don't have cla-----???" My phone suddenly beeped.
Midorima Shintarou
Akashi,what time is our practice today?
Same old Shintarou.
Akashi Seijuurou
Later.At 12 noon.
Midorima Shintarou
Alright.I'll inform the others.
After that,I told my dear Tetsuya that we have practice at 12 noon.He just nodded and went back to bed,beside me.I assume that he will rest because of last night.I pat his head and his teal locks are so soft that I could use it as a comfy pillow.I then looked over his face to see him sleeping.Kawaii desu...No wonder I fell in love with this guy.

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