Chapter 9

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Kise's P.O.V
I woke up from my deep slumber by hearing my phone beep,noting me that I have a message.It was from Kurokocchi.
Ryouta-kun,we still have practice today.It's still on 12 noon.
E-Eh?!D-Demo...I have a photoshoot today.
Alright.I'll inform Sei.
Yay!!!Arigatou gazaimasu Kurokocchi!!!
He didn't reply after that.I smiled to myself.I then started getting ready for my photoshoot.After a few minutes have passed,I was done.I then went over to the front door,locked it,then put on my disguise.What?You can't expect me to walk on the streets casually and hope that fangirls won't get crazy won't chase me right?I then started walking.Yes.I have a car but I prefer walking.That is why I always ask myself the same question.Why did I even buy a car?I laughed slightly at myself then continued  to walk.I heard whispers on my way there.Well,mostly girls. "Hey.Is he a model?" "He looks handsome." "Yeah because he sort of look like Kise-sama." "OMG yes!!!Even the way he walks." "What if...he really is Kise-sama?" "I.Would.Die." I started walking faster.Shit.What if...what if...they knew it's me?Suddenly,a really strong wind pass by...making my disguise blow away. "Kyahh!!!Kise-sama!!!" Uh oh.I ran and ran.Wait...where will I go?I then remembered that Seirin was close up ahead.What if...I just go there and just practice?No!!!But...what about the fangirls?Iie!!!Ugh fine!I ran into Seirin and went straight into Kurokocchi. "Uwah!!!Gomen!Gomen!Gomen!" "I will only forgive you if you get off of me." I saluted then got off of him. "Anyways,Ryouta.You're just in time." "Na-Nande...Akashicchi?" He then handed me a note?Wait...more like an invitation.I opened it and it read:
You are invited to Kuroko Tetsuya and Akashi Seijuurou's wedding!Next week,on Saturday!Be sure to come or suffer the consequences.
I already know who wrote this.Akashicchi.You ask why?Well,read it again and you'll find out. "I will definitely come!I would never miss it!!!" "Thank you,Ryouta-kun.Our parents with Sei made that.Sorry about the last part." "I-It's okay Kurokocchi!" I said,completely forgetting about my photoshoot.
Author's Note
So hey guys!I think this story is going to end soon.So...I'm planning on making a new book after I finish this one.So...yeah.I hope you support that book.I'm gonna be doing just Akakuro for now but maybe in the future,I'll do some other yaoi shipe.Bye!!!

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