Chapter 5

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Akashi's P.O.V
So...this is our first night.Don't call me crazy because I said our.It's true.Tetsuya will be living in my bedroom...Wait...That sounds wrong does it?Alright!I'll correct it then.Tetsuya will be living in a mansion to be exact.I look over to him and I saw him asleep.I smiled softly at him then I laid down beside him.Why am I feeling warmth when I'm with him?I was about to hug him but then I smelled his blood.Oh God no...Not now...please...I-I can't d-drink from him!I have to control myse-----I lost it.My control.I bit him on his neck and started sucking his precious blood.Iie!What am I doing?!I...can't...He suddenly woke up.He then saw me drinking his blood.I was going to pull out my fangs but then he did something that made me want him more.He smiled at me. "S-Sei...Drink a-as much as y-you want." Why?Just..tell me why?I pinned him down the bed and I brought my fangs out.He is under me,panting hard but he still managed to smile. "Are you sure about this?" "W-We're going to be m-married anyway.Go ahead..." Just as he said that,I started kissing him roughly and you guys know what happens next right?
~Time Skip Morning~
Kuroko's P.O.V
Sei was really rough last night.My thighs and back hurt so much from what we did.I look over to see him still asleep.Just as I was about to stand and go to the bathroom,he suddenly pulled me down on the bed. "Stay longer." He said-----commanded me.I had no other choice but to obey him 'cause who knows.I might still get killed even though I am his bride-----groom.I actually don't know.Hey,it's not my fault.His parents didn't even tell me.A few minutes have passed,but Sei isn't still awake.We're gonna be late Sei. "Sei...We're gonna be late if you keep sleeping like that." He just groaned and went back to sleep.Seriously this man.I decided to tease him a little. "Akashi-sama,we're gonna be late." He suddenly jolted up. "Alright,alright.I'm up." I laughed at him slightly. "Who'll take a bath first?" "Ugh.Why don't we just take a bath together?" I blushed furiously and covered my body with our blanket. "Oh don't be shy.I've already seen you naked." I blushed harder-----well...If that is even possible.
~Time Skip School~
"Hey Aominecchi?What's wrong with Tetsuyacchi?He's acting weird-ssu." "Ha?Oi Tetsu!Anything wrong?" "N-Nothing,D-Daiki-kun." I said.Why am I blushing you ask?Well,this morning,Sei asked-----well more like forced me to take a bath with him.Of course I can't say no.Why is that?'Cause he's a vampire and I'm a freakin' human.That's how I took a bath with him. "Kuro-chin do you want a candy?" "If you insist,Atsushi-kun." He gave me a candy which I gladly accept because of two reasons.One,it is rude to not accept something that was given by a friend.Two,it is a vanilla-flavored candy. "Don't be distracted so much.We're almost in class.N-Not like I care or anything-nanodayo." I laughed slightly.He really is a tsundere.We went into our classroom and Sei told me to not forget practice later.I just nodded my head and got onto the lesson.
~Time Skip After Practice~
I rode a limousine home with Sei.Why of course.I live with him now.After a few minutes of riding,we were finally at the mansion or should I say castle.I am always in awe whenever I see this place.We went in and I noticed that Sei didn't nod at them.What's wrong with him?I just shrugged my shoulders and followed him to his room.When we got there,I was suddenly pinned on the wall. "Blood.I need...blood." He said then bit into me.I let him and I was trying to stop myself from crying 'cause it hurts like hell.He's a vampire after all.He needs blood.After a few moments have passed,he stopped. "Thank you but that is not just the reason why I brought you here so quickly." "You're welcome but...may I ask why?"

Engaged To The Vampire Prince (Vampire AU) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now