Chapter 4

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???'s P.O.V
Oh?So he's back huh...Well...I'll try my luck again 'cause his blood sure tastes good.I smirked to myself.He's going on a date with that Bakashi huh...Just you wait.I'll get you back and I'm never ever going to let anyone take you again.
Akashi's P.O.V
I'm now here in a high class restaurant talking with Tetsuya.I ordered less not because I am poor but because he has a really small appetite.When our food came,we thank the waitress and started eating while talking to each other. "S-Sei,did you know that we are engaged right from the start and that's why you told me to call you by your first name?Just asking." "Ahh no.Maybe it was just a coincidence.My mom only told me I am engaged to you last night." I said and he laughed slightly.I could've mistaken him for a girl.He's so feminine... "Ahh!!!" "Are you okay,Tetsuya?!" "G-Gomen,S-Sei...I a-accidentally c-cut m-myself..." He said while stuttering.I blushed at how cute he is and went over to him.I started to kiss the wound and suck the blood coming out of it. "A-Ahh,S-Sei..." I looked over to him and I saw that he was a blushing mess. "N-No...Not here...W-We're in p-public..." He said.I looked at him concerned. "So-Sorry..." "I-It's okay...It's not your fault that you're a vampire." He then smiled softly at me.Just then,my heart began racing and pounding hard in my chest.I suddenly felt a warm feeling inside of me.A-Am I falling in love?I-It can't be...I only met him like...a few weeks ago...
~Time Skip After The Date~
"Thanks Sei!I had fun tonight!See you tomorrow!!!" "See you too Tetsuya." I said then started walking away.I walked into a dark alley and I sensed someone's presence.Of course I'm a vampire-----a royal vampire to be exact.What'd you expect?I turned around just to see a familiar face. "Long time no see,Seijuurou." "Traitor." I said then stabbed him.He was able to dodge my scissors but he was still wounded. "I'll meet you at the match Seijuurou..." He said then started walking away.Wanna know how I know him?Here.A mini flashback of how he betrayed us.
I was walking down the halls to only to hear someone speaking. "Bow down to me!I am your king and ruler now!" Makoto?I peeked over to see him beating the shit out of my parents.Just as I was about to go out,Shintarou and the others came rushing in. "Akashi,it's best if we leave this place-nanodayo." "But my parents!" "They'll be fine Aka-chin." I sighed then we all started sneakily going out the backdoor.We ran and ran until we reached the woods.Just why...Just then,I heard footsteps and smelled a familiar scent. "We survived.He got away.We will have to renovate the castle now and put more protection." "Hai,Mom." I said then looked over to my dad and he just smiled at me.I smiled back.
~End Of Flashback~
And that was why me and him are enemies.Well,he was the betrayer anyways.I went on and I soon found myself in front of the castle gates.I went in and I was greeted by the maids and butlers as usual.I went up to my room and saw my parents sitting there with...Tetsuya?!I looked at them with shocked faces. "You see...uhm...since you and him are going to be together soon,I asked him if he could live here.He said yes and so did his parents.He'll be staying in your room.Is that alright?" "Hai." Why did I even agreed so easily?Ugh!!!I don't know what is happening to me!!!

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