Chapter 3

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Kuroko's P.O.V
Prince Aka-----I mean...S-Sei...has been acting weird lately.He's always looking down and he would always avert his gaze from me whenever I try to talk to him.I wonder what's bothering him...Wait...What?!Since when did I have interest in him?!Ugh...What is wrong with me. "Yo Tetsu!Don't forget about practice later,alright?" Aomine-kun told me,snapping me out of my thoughts.Did I even mention that the Generation of Miracles was the one who told me to be with them?I think not. "Hai,Aomine-kun." "Oh drop the politeness Tetsuyacchi!" "E-Eh?" "Yeah.It's not like we like you anyways-nanodayo." "Call us by our first names Tetsuya!" Said Kagami-kun. "A-Alright." I said then sweatdropped. "D-Daiki-k-kun,T-Taiga-k-kun,R-Ryouta-k-kun,S-Shintarou-k-kun,A-Atsushi-k-kun,S-Sei." "Woah!Calling Akashi without an honorific?!You're brave Tetsu!" "A-Ano...he was the one who told me to call him that." I said calmly.They look at me with shocked faces and turn to Aka-----Sei. "Everyone get to class." That was the only thing he said.
~Time Skip~
We were now on our court,practicing for our next game,Kirisaki Daichi.You know,Hanamiya's team.I still remember my rough past with him.
"Tet-su-ya...Where are you???Hanamiya Makoto is going to find you..." Does he sound like a creep?Yes because he is a freak.I am currently hiding from him though I know that he will find me soon because he can blood.Yes.Smell.He is a vampire.And he imprisoned me. "Found you dear..." "Iie!!!Get away from me!!!I hate you!!!Out of all people...why did it had to be me?" "Oh dear...Did I perhaps...made my Tet-su-ya sad?Let's cheer him up,shall we?" That was the last thing he said...After that,he raped me. "You're mine now..." I heard him say before I pass out.
~End Of Flashback~
"Suya!Tetsuya!" "A-Ah!!!Ha-Hai?" "Sigh.Can I talk to you privately." "S-Sure." I said,completely unsure of my decision because of my past and he's a vampire.As we arrived at the locker room,I close the door gently. " see uhm...where would you like to go on a date later?" "G-Gomenasai,Aka-----Sei demo...I am already engaged to someone." "I am your fiance,Tetsuya." N-Nani?! "R-Really?!Oh...uhm...Y-You decide on that..." I said then I tilted my head to the side.
Akashi's P.O.V
Oh.My.Gosh.He's so kawaii!!!The way he tilted his head!!!I'm dying!!!Akashi Seijuurou.Compose yourself.Be calm. "S-Sei,a-are you okay?" "Hai!So,I'll meet you after school then?" "S-Sure!" He said then we walked out.
3rd Person's P.O.V
Little did Akashi knew,someone is watching them from the moment they stepped in Seirin.

Engaged To The Vampire Prince (Vampire AU) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now