Chapter 8

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Kise's P.O.V
We are now going to Maji Burger.When we were there,we sat on a table.Why do I have to be beside Dai-----Aominecchi. "So...the usual I suppose?" The waiter said. "Hai." As we wait for our order,we were laughing and talking about random stuff.A few minutes later,our order arrived and I noticed that Kurokocchi gave half of his burger to Akashicchi.He's also smiling while drinking his milkshake.Vanilla milkshake to be exact. "Tetsu.Why'd you give half of your meal to Akashi?" "I'm already full,Daiki-kun." We all look at him in puro shock.This guy...has really small appetite.It's just a burger and he can't even finish half of it?
~Time Skip~
"See you tomorrow minna-san!!!" I shouted then I started to walk home.On the way,I saw a really familiar face.I tried to avoid him as much as possible but I couldn't. "Well,well,well.If it isn't Ryouta,a close friend of Seijuurou.Beginning to be friends with Tetsuya I supposed?" He knows...Kurokocchi? "How...How do you know Kurokocchi?!" I'm starting to feel anxious now.How... "Chill.He's simply...someone I knew from the past." Iie.The way he talked...I know there's something wrong. "Shut up.Wait until Akashicchi knows about this." "Oh...He already saw me and he...knows that I'm here for his beloved." My eyes began to glow.I know I'm not that close to Kurokocchi demo...I still...have to help in...protecting him. "What now?Tryin' to scare me away?" He then laughed at me. "Shut the fuck up amd leave Akashicchi and Tetsuyacchi alone!If you're trying to get Kurokocchi back,you can't anymore since he's already engaged to Akashicchi." I smirked and left him there.I went straight home to fix myself.What an awful day.I said to myself.I then received a text.
Well?Did you enjoy your day,Ki-se Ryou-ta?
Kise Ryouta
Who are you and what do you want?
After that,I waited for a good thirty minutes but that person didn't reply anymore.I sighed to myself and took a bath.After that,I checked my phone again.Seeing that there is no text or reply from that unknown,I drifted off to dreamland.
Author's Note
Hey guys!So,I know that Kise has two older sisters but...since I don't know their names and I'm too lazy to think about names,I won't put them here.Author-chan out!

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