Chapter 15// Cameron texted me back "You know that fan that was all up on Taylor a few weeks ago." He texted. "Yes Cameron what about her?!" I texted back. 5 minutes later he texted me back "Well... that's who it was......" Cameron texted back. When I saw that message I was in shock. I dropped my phone, got dressed and ran out of the bathroom. "Let me see your phone." I said to Taylor. "Wait what?" he said laughing. "Give. me. your. phone." I said slowly in a serious voice. "Haha okay." he said. He gave me his phone and I went to his messages. "Who is this?" I asked Taylor showing him the messages between him and the girl. "Oh um it's no one.." he said with a nervous voice. "Yeah you do. But no need to tell me because I already know." I said. With that I dropped his phone on the bed and walked out of the room.
It was time to go to Magcon. Taylor came to Cameron's room because that's where I was. "Hey, you coming to Magcon?" he asked me. "No." I said. He could tell I was mad. He gave me a hug. "Be safe." I said. "I love you." He said. I looked at him for a few minutes. "I love you to." I said.