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"So, how do you know Izzy?" I asked as we continued our adventure onto our next surprise destination.

"When we first moved to New York, we went to this little gig at a run down bar in Queens and I saw her standing there completely lost in the music and thought she was the most beautiful person ever."

"Oh," Was all I managed to reply with, "Were you guys a thing?"

"Yeah, for about 3 months, but her dad despised me so we decided to break up. It was a mutual feeling so there's no hard feelings between us now. ." He replied softly, obviously thinking about those 3 months in his head. I nodded like I knew the feeling but actually never deal with something that complex, even though it sounded like the most simple break up ever.

"And what about tonight's events?" I asked.

"Well, since her dad is the co-owner, she managed to steal the master key and get it copied so she could have one. Every Saturday night, they have a mini party up there, but no one can know, that's why she got so pissy with me,you can have a good time but she's strict on the rules so don't tell Heather!" 

"I won't, I promise." I replied sticking my pinky finger up, he wrapped his around my mine and smiled, we continued walking down the street like that. 

"Really, Luke? We could've just got on one of those Hop On, Hop Off Buses around the city if this are the kinda places you're gonna take me all night." I stated looking at him. But he was focused on me, his eyes were mesmerised by all the bright lights and moving signs and advertisements. Luke Hemmings had taken me to Times Square. Living in New York City, Times Square, after the 3rd time go going, becomes nothing special, it's a tourist trap or a commute area for Manhattan's citizens.

"I never get sick of this place. No matter how many times I come here, it's best at night." he said in an airy voice because his head was somewhere else. I admit it is pretty at night, I'd only been here once at night. When my parents took me to New York when I was 11 and it's when I decided I wanted to live here. My mistake. 

Luke started talking again, "Isn't it so cool how the lights keep going all night and never stop. I wonder what the electricity bill racks up to…and who pays for it? They must be really rich because-"

"Luke," I said cutting him off and his head snapped down to look at me, "you're looking at one of the most beautiful things in the world, and you're thinking about electricity bills?" 

'No," he said grabbing my face in his hands and angling it up so my eyes met his, "now I'm looking at one of the most beautiful things in the world." I blushed a deep crimson colour and Luke's eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. He started leaning in, I knew what was about to happen, I closed my eyes and just when our lips were millimetres away a loud voice came from above us, causing us both to jump back in shock. Looking up we realised it was just an advertisement and Luke blushed. 

"Come on, Elena," he said sticking his hand to reach mine, "let's explore."

"LUKE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO CLIMB THAT YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF" At the moment Luke was trying to show his manliness by climbing to the top of this small cross statue in the middle of Times Square. And being a 6ft giraffe it wasn't very difficult for him. I stared up at him as he managed to get to the top and standing up at the top.

"I'VE GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN FRONT OF ME I'M NOT LETTING GO 'TIL I SAY THIS IS MY LIFE I'VE GOT IT ALL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME I WON'T LET IT GO THERE'S NO WAY!" Luke belted out to the whole of Times Square and sure enough everyone seemed to be staring. 

"Luukkkeeeee," I whined, "people are staring, stop." I half whisper-half shouted at him. 

"Well, is everyone's staring then.." He said back down to me then lifting his head again, "HI EVERYBODY I'M LUKE HEMMINGS AND I WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW THAT I'M ON A DATE, WELL I HOPE IT'S A DATE, WITH NEW YORK'S PRETTIEST GIRL!" He then smiled down at me and I had gone the colour of Santa's outfit.

"LUKE HEMMINGS GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and jumped down from the top which caused me to gasp and flinch but him being 90% legs, saw it as no problem.

"Alright? Happy now?" He smirked at me and I nodded. "I hope that wasn't too forward by the way, I just think you're beautiful and I've decided to adknowledge beautiful things more often."

"No Luke, it was perfect." I said before we made our way out of Times Square. 

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