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double uploading because this bit is exciting yay


After about half an hour of walking and talking about pointless things like Disney movies and all the tattoos Luke wanted but his mum wouldn't allow it, I came intact with my surroundings and was surprised to find myself on 5th Avenue.

"The whole of New York City, and you choose the most well known street?!" I giggled at him.

"Trust me, there's a good reason we're here." he informed. After about two seconds silence, Luke spoke up again, "So why are you really in New York? I can tell you're not from here."

"I actually go to university here, ever heard of Julliard?" I questioned.

"Yeah! It's a performing arts school! So are you a dancer?"

"No, I sing.."

"HEY I SING AS WELL!" he squealed excitedly. We both laughed at his reaction as he happened to wake up a homeless man we were walking by.

"Why are you in New York? Because with that thick accent you're at least 9,000 miles away from home.." I wondered.

"I'm in this band, and we thought it might work out better here, honestly, nothing's changed." He sighed then stopping in front of a large store.

"Luke, why are we front of FAO Schwartz?"

"yeah okay- yeah I got it- okay just round the back.." Luke was on the phone speaking to someone who sounded like a girl, and I felt jealous for some reason. But, I felt lucky to be in his company anyway. His hand intwined with mine made me feel safe and the way the moonlight reflected in his iris gave me a feeling of euphoria. He hung up the call and I snapped out of my daydreams as he dragged me by my hand around the corner to the side of the building. There was a grey door. And standing next to the door was a girl with long, extremely dark brown hair and a little smile playing up on her face. She was wearing all black like she was about to rob a bank.

"Elena, this is Isabel. She's the daughter of the co-owner of this place." Luke stated, smiling at her with a look of lust in his eyes. Oh, I see how it is.

"Hey," she chirped, "Call me Izzy! Okay, right. let's go in." She turned around and pushed the door open, revealing a grey staircase to match the door. She ran up the stairs and Luke followed tugging me along. We kept climbing until there weren't anymore staircases going up. There was one last door and she turned to face us, "Okay remember the rules. No photographs or videos, no taking anything out of packaging and no telling any friends about tonight. Got it?" To which she said the last part directly me to up, I nervously nodded and and she turned to open the door. "Oh, and one last thing," she said entering her key into the slot and then looking over her shoulder, "Try have some fun."

Izzy pushed open the door to loud rock music playing, that Luke seemed to know all the words to, teenagers running around in crazy hats, and piano notes ringing through the floor.

"I bet you usually don't do this Elena." Luke said turning to me with a crazy grin on his face and yanking me over to the giant piano. He threw his shoes off as I did they same and we ran onto the piano.

We hopped around watching all the colours change and making funny music. Luke slid around on his knees playing air guitar. We played around on the piano for 10 more minutes. Luke pulled me off and put my shoes back on for me and took me over to the Animal Hat section. He placed a squid hat on my head and a badger one on his.

"Oh my god, you look so cute, hold on let's take a picture." Luke said taking out his phone.

"No, Izzy said we weren't allowed"

"Don't worry, she won't know" He held the phone up as we took a quick selfie, the camera shutter went off and we started examining the photo making sure it was perfect.


"Aw, c'mon Iz, it was just a little selfie" Luke pouted at her. Which might I add, was the most adorable thing ever.

"Luke, do you know how much shit I'd get in if anyone else found out about this. NOW LEAVE." She yelled at the top of her voice.

"Okay, okay, we're going" Luke replied, then looking down at me, biting his lip with an apologetic look in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the door we came in through and back onto 5th Avenue.

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