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We decided to go to nearest shopping mall since it has famous top's store there. With just wearing our uniform, we go there with bus. Ahh...seems like the bus arrive a little late today. I looked at Yerin-unnie and started a conversation.

"Um..uh..the dates is still a ways away. So isn't it a little early to buy one?" I asked.

"No. If we wait too long, summer sale items will end." She replied.

"I see." I nodded. Yerin-unnie fix her body and look at me.

"By the way, it appears that Jungkook is really trying to make you fall for him lately." I lifted my shoulders a little due to Yerin-unnie's statement.

"R-really?" I'm acting like innocent.

"A dates fine but don't let him bring you to hotel afterward." She advised.

"If think it's that dangerous, why didn't you stop this?!!!" I gave Yerin-unnie a little screamed.

"I couldn't win against the skirt." She sigh.

"But don't worry... I think he just teasing me." I confront her.

"So you're think that he jokingly hit on you?" Yerin-unnie replied.

Then, the bus arrived. We didn't get to further our conversation.



"We may be looking a skirt for you. But I don't think you'd look that different." Yerin-unnie said while analysing on each skirt.

Ahh..I feel so nervous. I never went here before. My eyes keeps rolling left and and right. Everybody probbaly looking at us now. Ahh, I'm having anxiety. I also move my shoulders up and down because of this nervousness. I didn't realize that Yerin-unnie looks at me this whole time.

"Please calm down." Yerin-unnie giggled.

"Oh, it's Yerin-unnie!"

When we turned our back, it's SinB and her friends. But it's not SinB voice. It must be the girl next to her. How can she knews Yerin-unnie? Who is she?

"Ahh, Tae Ri-ah and SinB!" Yerin-unnie waves her hands.

"Eunha-yah, this is Tae Ri she's my namjachingu's sister, Tae Ri-ah this is Eunha-unnie." I bowed to her and she did so too. SinB also bowed to show respects on us.

"Are you two shopping?" SinB asked while slurping water from her plastic cup.

"Yes. We're looking for a skirt for Eunha-yah." Yerin-unnie pointed at me.

"What for Eunha-unnie??!" SinB screamed.

"Well..umm.." I played with my thumbs before decide to explain to SinB.

"It's rather rare for unnie to wear a skirt." SinB added while rubbed her chin.

"I'm sure it'll look great on you. I don't look good in mini skirts so I'm rather envious. Oh, and how about you let us help you too?" Tae Ri convince me while smiling.

"Tae Ri-ah..." Such a supportive.



They decided to pick two outfit each one of them then let me wear it. Which is one skirt and the other is full set outfit. If it's suitable then that's the one then. Yerin-unnie tests the skirt on my waist.

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