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Jungkook came to my house this morning to pick me up but I declined because I'm not ready yet to give him my answer. I try to avoid him as much as I can. As I lost in deep of thought, someone taps my back and it makes me lifted my shoulders slightly.
When I turn back, it's Yuju!

"Eunha-yah, our last period is PE right?" She seems excited. Yeah, of course since she active in sport while I'm apposite.

"Yeah. Let's go." I pulls her hand because I saw Jungkook.


"Jungkook won't be joining us since he has something to do and needs to go home early. Then, today we will be doing something that everyone likes! Basketball."

Everyone are clapping their hands. Jungkook didn't come to class since the first period so he didn't knows that his 'girlfriend' in our class or else he will be happy to come everyday. Okay, so Jungkook won't be here but what the heck? Something that everyone likes? I don't like that at all. Oh my God, can I go home early too? Damn it!

As I heaved a huge sigh, I sighted Ji Eun and her two dogs sitting comfortably on the bench under the tree. They won't joining today's PE today as well due to period pain. Isn't it funny? I mean, how can 3 people having a period pain at the same time? Wow. And our stupid teacher believes their dirty little liar.

"Okay we're done warming up. Now, we are going to run around the track slowly. Let's start." I sigh again. What? Another warm up? I will faint this time of course!

"Eunha-yah, let's just do it slowly until we manage to finish it. I'll keep my pace same with you." Yuju chuckled. Damn you Yuju.

Yuju starts to run slowly and I follow her. I'm panting like a pig. Seriously. When I take a peek on Yuju who is next to me, she didn't even panting. She looks in a great shape. Oh my God Eunha, it's not even 1 minute yet. How can you breathe heavily?

After we managed to complete one round, Lisa comes to blocking our way. Both Yuju and me make a sudden stop. What's wrong with her? Didn't she's having a period pain just now?

"Lisa, a good dog won't blocking human's road." Yuju starts a war.

"Eh? We should be saying that. A good dog won't blocking human's road." Jennie and Ji Eun come to us as well along with devilish smile.


"Choi Yuna, I heard that you're trainee under my father's entertainment. Didn't you afraid that your action effects your future?" Ji Eun attacks.

"You're just her daughter not his boss so you don't have power!" Yuju replied. I can see worry in her eyes. Poor Yuju. But I can't just silent I need to help her too.

"Lee Ji eun, you already tried two times and I've held it in. Don't force me to go against you." I said it with my calm face.

"Jung Eunbi, what are you saying? I don't understand." She rolls her eyes and cross her arms over her chest.

"It's okay if you don't understand. You can just do it." I heave a huge sigh.

I look at Yuju who is still worry about her trainee future. I don't want her to feel worry again because she has so much pressure on her back.

"Yuju, don't be scared about your carrier. I believe that Source Music entertainment can't be independent from Jeon's group. You've seen how Mrs. Jeon treats me. If something has happen to you, my bestfriend.."

I forward my steps as I closer to Ji Eun and then I splits devilish smiles to her.

"....I believe that Source Music entertainment won't be let off easily."

Ji Eun froze. Of course she does. She must be speechless right now. Thanks to Jeon's power. Sorry Mrs. Jeon, I used your name. Then, Jennie comes closer to me.

"You sly fox! Mistreating Ms. Lee. Do you want to die?" As soon she said that Jennie raise up her hand to beat me.

Somehow I manage to dodge it and makes a counter attack by pushing her. Unfortunately, she accidentally bumps both Lisa and Ji Eun while falling. So they fell on the track like a domino. So satisfying.

"Jung Eunbi!" Eh? It's teacher's voice.

I look back. My PE teacher running towards me. Those triple idiots still on the floor. Lisa and Jennie manage to stand up but Ji Eun still on the track floor. Our teacher comes and helps Ji Eun to stand up again.

"Jung Eunbi! Why do you hit her?" Sorry what? I hit her? When I try to open my mouth to talk back, Lisa cuts me.

"Teacher, since Ms. Jung doesn't know how to treat her new classmate..then you have to give her a punishment." Lisa said while making a pity face. Euw so fake.

"Of course! I won't let this case just like that." The teacher said while put his hands on his waist.

"Teacher, Ms. Jung didn't do it on purpose. How about we just let it go?" Ji Eun seems added with fake crying. She raise up her head and smirk to me. She..!!!

"Lee Ji Eun! You're still pretending!" I almost slap her but Yuju holds my arm.

"Jung Eunbi! You still want to use physical force? Run 20 laps!" My eyes widen. What?

"But teacher.." I trying to explain.

"30 laps. You can't miss even one lap! Ji Eun, you watch over her. " Teacher seems so mad.

"Okay." Ji Eun smiles.

Our PE teacher walks away while asked all the students to continue their training until the end of the lessons for today. My eyes still connected to Ji Eun. She didn't even say sorry. Okay, so she's trying to challenge me? Bring it on.

I get on the track field and start to run.


"What's the situation? Isn't that Eunha?" V quickly starts the conversation with Yerin as soon as he saw Eunha.

"You're right. Isn't it already end of the school? Let's go look."

Yerin and V suddenly being block by Lisa and Jennie. Both of them give V and Yerin devil stares.

"Wait. What are guys doing?" Lisa starts.

"What happened to Eunbi?" Yerin asked by rising her voice.

"What do you mean what happened? Let us tell you. Our PE teacher put Ji Eun in charge of watching over Eunbi." Jennie replied.

"Only she gets to run. If you guys help her, it doesn't count." Lisa added.

As soon as they said that they walk away to a girl that Yerin might guessing her name is Ji Eun.

"Why is it like this?" Yerin asked V.

"What should we do?" V also seems confuse.


Wow! Almost finish! Stay with me guys. Don't miss any chapter even one.🐰🐰

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