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This is what happened during the talk;

Anne and Gilbert met at the park.
It was a cold day.
Anne was sat on the damp wooden bench huddled in her big coat waiting for him.
What is she going to say?
That she's hopelessly in love with him but never realised?
No she can't say that! He's with her best friend!
She sighed.
A silent tear rolled down her face.
She quickly wipes the tear away before looking up.
There standing in front of her is Gilbert Blythe.
His curls are wet and little drops of water are hitting his neck at a steady pace. His hazel eyes are staring intently at her almost like he's taking in every inch of her. He's in a big coat and has his worn out black ripped skinny jeans on. His face shows a weak smile.
"Gilbert!" She says quickly getting up and attempting to wipe the water that has soaked a patch in her jeans.
"Hey.." he muttered softly. He rocks on his heels.
"So..." Anne says at an attempt to start a conversation.
"So..." he replies,raising his eyebrows.
Anne raised hers.
"You invited me here?" She tells him. A confused expression landing on her face.
"Oh yeah!" Gilbert's face suddenly lit up like he just remembered.
He sits on the bench and pats for Anne to join him.
She cautiously sits next to him.
"Are you okay Anne? You have been quite distant." He asked his eyebrows furrowed and his face showing deep concern.
Anne weakly smiles trying to hide her pain.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask Gil?"
He grins.
"Yeah that's what I call you?"
"Since when?" He asked his smile tuning into a cheeky smirk.
"Since always"
"Mhm" he muttered like he didn't believe her.
"Well I'm fine and...yeah" she says trying to change the subject.
Suddenly Gilbert clutches Anne's hand, his thumb rubs it in a verticals motions. It was very soothing.
He looks deep into her eyes a serious expression on his face.
"Anne I can tell when your lying"
"No you can't" Anne protests.
"Can too"
"Can we stop?" He asks adamantly. Sighing to himself.
She gets up.
"Well nice talk Gilbert" and she starts to walk away.
He gets up quickly and grabs her hand a spins it around so she's facing him.
He pulls her in close so their faces are inches apart.
"I will always be here for you.." he reassures her.
Anne's heart was about to explode out of her chest. She had only dreamt of being this close to Gilbert Blythe.
"I know.." she mutters weakly smiling.
She pulls away quickly snapping out of her trance.
She was sure she saw a flicker of disappointment on Gilbert's face but she thought it was just her imagination.

"How about we go on a walk and take some photos?"
"I would love that"
And with that they link arms and waltz off down the street. Making jokes and witty comments as they go.

This is the talk they were meant to have before the last chapter.

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