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They walked in silence.
All that could be heard was the sound of their shoes swishing in the grass or squelching in the odd mud piles.

"So..." Gilbert began, her and him where attempting to find their way back to the town, it wasn't working.

"Let's not." Anne stopped him.

"Why not?" He asked his shiny hazel eyes glancing at her in confusion.

"Because...uh..because.." Anne couldn't find a reasonable excuse, she just didn't want to talk at that very moment.

"Well some good points you got their" he said sarcastically, smirking at her.

She glared back and strode ahead.
The sooner she can find the way back the sooner she can fix things with her friends and the sooner she can be rid of the Blythe boy.

"Wait Anne!" He jogged up to her.

"We have no time for idle chitchat Gil! We have to get home! Marilla and Matthew are probably worried sick and I need to fix things with my friends and so do you! You need to fix things with your girlfriend or have you forgotten all about her." She yelled.
He was taken aback by her sudden outburst.

"I know Anne!" He yelled back.
She rolled her eyes.

"Let's keep moving then.."

"I only thought having conversation would take our mind off of what has happened" he muttered.
Anne sighed loudly.

"Fine let's talk..."

She was positive she saw him smirk from the corner of her eye but she just ignored it.
An hour had passed and Anne was fed up.
They were currently walking down a dirt path that was surround by trees, as much as Anne would have enjoyed the nature on any other day, this was just reminding her of how she wasn't home.

Gilbert and Anne had vague conversations over the hour, about school, homework and how they were gonna fix things with their friends.

"I might buy her roses, or mabye chocolates, I doesn't really matter" Gilbert murmured to himself.

"Well what's her favourite flower?" Anne questioned.

"Daisy....I think" he answered.
Anne gave him a confused look, he didn't really seem too enthusiastic to be talking about Ruby and even less enthusiastic to have to persuade her that everything was alright.

"What?" He snapped at Anne who he now noticed was staring at him in a confused mannerism.

"Nothing..." she muttered looking down.

"Well it's not nothing so-"

"I think it's kinda funny how she's your girlfriend but you don't really seem to care about her and you don't seem like you really want her to think things are all right with you too." Anne exclaimed.
Gilbert looked guilty.

"Well...?" Anne prodded him to talk.
Gilbert shifted his eyes uncomfortably and starting pinching the sleeve on his jacket. He was definitely hiding something.

"Gil.." Anne looked concerned.

"I don't think I want to get back together with Ruby." He spurted.

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