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Anne's POV

It's been a few weeks since i met up with Josie.
Diana and i are now back to being best friends and our whole friendship group is solid once more- turns out Ruby's attention has now proceeded to turn into Moodys direction and we are all thankful for it. Although Jerry was quite upset but he did have Diana there to comfort him. We were all surprised at these new developments no doubt.

Gilbert has been so sweet and honestly i have really come to care for him more than i did before. When i'm with him my heart feels golden and bursting with love. I've come to accept the fact that i am completely and utterly in love with Gilbert John Blythe.
However he never would care for me in that way.


The sound of my phone ringing snaps me out of my thoughts as i slam my diary shut.
I pick it up with haste and a large smile grows on my face as i read the message.

 I pick it up with haste and a large smile grows on my face as i read the message

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I squeal as i jump up and down on my bed, before Marilla shouts up from downstairs haha, she loves me really

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I squeal as i jump up and down on my bed, before Marilla shouts up from downstairs haha, she loves me really....i hope hehe.

Diana hangs up the phone as i continue to look in the mirror. Josie will be over in a minute to take me to Diana's new years party.

I stare at my reflection in the smudgy mirror.

I'm wearing a dark green summer dress-although it's freezing cold- but i've paired it with some tights and a leather jacket.
I also matched some ankle boots and hoop earrings with it.

I flatten the dress down with a huff. This is so exciting!!!

Although i am very excited to see Diana and the gang.....i can't help but think about Gilbert.

He won't leave my mind!!! It's so infuriating being in love with someone- although it can have its perks.


As Josie and Anne pull up to party, it's already in full swing. Anne feels the nerves bubble up in the pit of her stomach as she and Josie walk towards the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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